

美音:[sə´pəuz ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[sə´pəuz ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.推想,假设,猜想 vi.料想 conj.假使...结果会怎样


suppose为高中词汇   词频:711


动词过去式:supposed 过去分词:supposed 现在分词:supposing 第三人称单数:supposes


pos=to place,to put(置,放)

近义词, 同义词


assume  believe  consider  deduce  imagine  infer  presume  think    


/sə'pəʊz; sə`poz/
1 [Tf, Cn.a, Cn.t] accept as true or probable; believe; imagine; assume 认定; 认为; 以为; 猜想; 料想; 假定
*What do you suppose he wanted? 你认为他想要什么?
* What makes you suppose (that) I'm against it? 你根据什么认为我反对这件事?
* I don't suppose for a minute that he'll agree, ie I'm sure that he won't. 我认为他决不同意.
* She'll be there today, I suppose. 我想她今天能到那儿去.
* `Will he come?' `Yes, I suppose so.' `他来吗?'`对, 我想他能来.'
* I suppose you want to borrow money from me again? ie showing annoyance 我猜你又要找我借钱了吧?
* I don't suppose you could help me (ie Please help me) with my homework. 请你帮助我做家庭作业吧.
* It was generally supposed that it would not happen again. 一般都认为此事不会再发生.
* (fml 文) Everyone supposes him (to be) poor, but he is really quite wealthy. 大家都以为他穷, 实际上他很阔.
* It was widely supposed to have been lost during the war. 普遍认为那东西在战争期间丢失了.
2 [Tn, Tf, Cn.t] pretend that (sth) is true; take (sth) as a fact 假定或假设(某事物)属实; 认定(某事物)
*a theory which supposes the existence of other worlds besides our own 假定除地球外还存在其他有生命的天体的理论
* Suppose (that) the news is true
*what then? 假定这消息是真的, 那又怎样?
* Suppose you had a million pounds how would you spend it? 假如你有一百万镑--你怎么花呢?
3 [Tf] (used in the imperative, to make a suggestion 用于祈使句, 用以提出建议) consider as a proposal 作为建议来考虑
*Suppose we go (ie Let's go) for a swim! 咱们去游泳吧!
4 [Tn] (fml 文) require (sth) as a condition 须以(某事物)为条件
*Creation supposes a creator. 有了创造者, 才能有创造.
5 (idm 习语) be supposed to do sth
(a) be expected or required to do sth (by rules, custom, etc) 被期望或被要求(按规则、惯例等)做某事
*Am I supposed to (ie Should I) clean all the rooms or just this one? 我是应该打扫所有的房间, 还是只这一间?
* You're supposed to pay the bill by Friday. 你最晚在星期五结清这笔帐.
* They were supposed to be here an hour ago. 他们应该在一小时以前到达这里.
(b) (infml 口) (used in negative sentences 用于否定句中) be allowed to do sth 获准做某事
*You're not supposed to play football in the class-room. 在教室里是不准踢足球的.


v [T]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: supposer, from Latin supponere 'to put under, substitute', from sub- ( SUB-) + ponere 'to put']
spokenI suppose
a) used to say you think something is true, although you are uncertain about it
= I guessI suppose (that)
 I suppose you're right.
 So things worked out for the best, I suppose.
 'Aren't you pleased?' 'Yes, I suppose so .'
b) used when agreeing to let someone do something, especially when you do not really want to
= I guess
 'Can we come with you?' 'Oh, I suppose so .'
c) used when saying in an angry way that you expect something is true
= I guessI suppose (that)
 I suppose you thought you were being clever!
d) used to say that you think that something is probably true, although you wish it was not and hope someone will tell you it is not
= I guessI suppose (that)
 I suppose it's too late to apply for that job now.
e) used when guessing that something is true
= I guess
 She looked about 50, I suppose.
spokenI don't suppose (that)
a) used to ask a question in an indirect way, especially if you think the answer will be 'no'
 I don't suppose you have any idea where my address book is, do you?
b) used to ask for something in a very polite way
 I don't suppose you'd give me a lift to the station?
c) used to say that you think it is unlikely something will happen
 I don't suppose I'll ever see her again.
spokendo you suppose (that) ...?
used to ask someone their opinion about something, although you know that it is unlikely that they have any more information about the situation than you do
 Do you suppose this is the exact spot?
who/what/why etc do you suppose...?
 Who on earth do you suppose could have done this?
 How do you suppose he got here?
spokenwhat's that supposed to mean?
used when you are annoyed by what someone has just said
 'It sounds like things aren't going too well for you lately.' 'What's that supposed to mean?'
spokensuppose/supposing (that)
used when talking about a possible condition or situation, and then imagining the result
 Look, suppose you lost your job tomorrow, what would you do?
 Supposing it really is a fire!
be supposed to do/be sth
a) used to say what someone should or should not do, especially because of rules or what someone in authority has said
 We're supposed to check out of the hotel by 11 o'clock.
 I'm not supposed to tell anyone.
 What time are you supposed to be there?
b) used to say what was or is expected or intended to happen, especially when it did not happen
 No one was supposed to know about it.
 The meeting was supposed to take place on Tuesday, but we've had to postpone it.
 The new laws are supposed to prevent crime.
c) used to say that something is believed to be true by many people, although it might not be true or you might disagree
 The castle is supposed to be haunted.
 'Dirty Harry' is supposed to be one of Eastwood's best films.
 Mrs Carver is supposed to have a lot of money.
[not in progressive]
to think that something is probably true, based on what you know
= presume
 There were many more deaths than was first supposed.
suppose (that)
 What makes you suppose we're going to sell the house?
 There's no reason to suppose (=it is unlikely that) he's lying.
[not in progressive]formal
to expect that something will happen or be true, and to base your plans on it
 The company's plan supposes a steady increase in orders.
WORD CHOICE: suppose, guess
In spoken phrases, I suppose and I guess are used in the same way, but suppose is more usual in British English and guess in American English : I suppose that's his mum. | I guess you're right. | I suppose you can come if you want to. | I guess I'll go home now. |'Should we sit here?' 'I suppose so.' | 'Isn't he coming?' 'I guess not.'
!! Do not say 'be suppose to do something'. Use be supposed to : You're supposed to take your shoes off. | He's supposed to be very clever.

1. But suppose the earth could be covered with sensors spaced one foot apart, rising at one-foot intervals all the way to the top of the atmosphere.

2. But why suppose that the laws that protect our rights and dignity would not be applicable to cloned persons?

3. ´Just one more thing, Mr.Eames. Let us suppose that a child suddenly crosses the road in front of you.

4. ´I suppose it would, but I never catch a later train.´

5. "Larry usually adjusts very quickly," I said. "I suppose this time it's Charles's influence."
    "通常劳里的适应能力是很强的," 我说。"我猜想这次可能是因为受了查尔斯的影响吧。"

6. And suppose the same card lets you drive a car, get medicine, get cash from machines, pay parking tickets, and collect government benefits.

7. You may suppose that national borders are nothing to get excited about.

8. Suppose every sensor gives perfectly accurate readings of temperature, pressure, humidity, and any other quantity a meteorologist would want.

9. Suppose you're at a party, someone asks what you do, and you announce 'nomad'. Immediately you're talking about camels (骆驼). And you can leave anytime.

10. Suppose that during a negotiation with some government officials, the Minister of Trade makes it clear to you that if you offer him a substantial bribe, you will find it much easier to get an import license for your goods, and you are also likely to
    假定在一场与政府官员的谈判中,贸易部长向你明确表示如能给他一大笔贿赂,拿到进口许可证就会容易得多,还可能避免他所说的"程序上的延误" 。
