

美音:[´trembəl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´trembəl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.战栗,颤抖 vi.战栗,发抖,震动,(树叶等)摇晃.摇动,焦虑 vt.挥动,用颤抖的声音说出


tremble为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4683


形容词:trembly 副词:tremblingly 名词:trembler 动词过去式:trembled 过去分词:trembled 现在分词:trembling 第三人称单数:trembles

近义词, 同义词


quake  quaver  quiver  shake  shiver  shudder  vibrate    


/'trembl; `trɛmbl/
1 (a) [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth)shake involuntarily (from fear, cold, weakness, etc); quiver(因恐惧、寒冷、虚弱等)颤抖, 战栗, 哆嗦
*trembling hands 颤抖的手
* His voice trembled with rage. 他气得声音都颤抖了.
* We were trembling with excitement. 我们兴奋得颤抖起¥.
(b) [I] shake slightly 轻轻摇晃; 颤动
*leaves trembling in the breeze 在微风中摇晃的叶子
* The bridge trembled as the train sped across it. 火车过桥 时速度很快, 震得桥身直颤.
2 [I, Ipr, It] be very anxious or agitated 焦虑; 担心; 不安
*I tremble at the thought of what may happen. 我想到可能出现的情况就不寒而栗.
* She trembled to think what might have happened to him. 她想到他可能遇到的情况就十分担心.
3 (idm 习语) in fear and trembling => fear1.

n feeling, movement or sound of trembling; tremor 内心的战栗; 颤抖的动作或声音; 震颤
*There was a tremble in his voice. 他的声音有点颤抖.
* (infml 口) She was all of a tremble, ie trembling all over. 她浑身哆嗦.


v [I]
[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: trembler, from Latin tremulus 'shaking', from tremere 'to tremble']
to shake slightly in a way that you cannot control, especially because you are upset or frightened
 His lip started to tremble and then he started to cry.
tremble with anger/fear etc
 Greene was on his feet now, his body trembling with rage.
to shake slightly
 The whole house trembled as the train went by.
see usage noteshake1
if your voice trembles, it sounds nervous and unsteady
to be worried or frightened about something
 I tremble to think what will happen when she finds out.
1. By this time her legs were beginning to tremble, so she sat down and accepted a cup of very strong tea, while he telephoned the police.

2. And that was four years ago; I tremble to think what she's earning now.

3. Manya rose from her seat without a word, trying not to tremble.
