

美音:[flæg ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[flæg ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.旗,标记 v.标记


flag为中学词汇   词频:3736


名词:flagger 动词过去式:flagged 过去分词:flagged 现在分词:flagging 第三人称单数:flags

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/flæg; flæˇ/
1 (usu oblong or square) piece of cloth with a particular design, that can be attached by one edge to a rope, pole, etc and used as a symbol of a country, party, etc or as a signal 旗
*The national flag of the United Kingdom is called the Union Jack. 英国的国旗称作Union Jack.
* The ship was sailing under the Dutch flag, ie the Dutch flag was flying from its mast. 那条船航行时悬挂着荷兰国旗.
* All the flags were flying at half-mast, ie in honour of a famous dead person. 所有的旗帜都降半旗致哀.
* The guard waved his flag and the train left the station. 列车长摇动手中的旗子, 火车随之开出车站.
* The white flag is a symbol of a truce or surrender. 白旗表示停战或投降. =>illus 见插图.
2 small piece of paper or cloth attached to a stick or pin, esp one given to sb who contributes to a charity appeal 小纸旗或小布旗(尤指送给为慈善事业捐款者的)
*children selling flags for a cancer research appeal 为癌症研究募捐而售旗的孩子们.
3 sign displayed to show that a taxi is for hire (计程车表示可载客的)旗形牌.
4 (idm 习语) a ,flag of con`venience flag of a foreign country under which a ship registers to avoid the taxes and certain regulations of the owner's home country 方便旗(船只为逃避本国捐税或避免履行某些规章而在他国注册所挂的该国国旗). fly/show/wave the flagmake known one's support of or loyalty to one's country, party, movement, etc, esp in order to encourage others to do the same 表示对自己的国家、党派、运动等的拥护或忠诚. keep the `flag flying continue to support one's country or a set of principles 坚持拥护自己的国家或一套原则
*Our exporters proudly kept the flag flying at the international trade exhibition. 在国际贸易展览会上, 我国的出口商为国争光.

v (-gg-)
1 [Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态] place a flag or flags on (sth); decorate with flags 悬旗于(某物); 用旗装饰
*The streets were flagged to celebrate the royal wedding. 街上挂起了旗子, 庆祝皇室婚礼.
2 [Tn] mark (sth) for particular attention with a special mark or label (用特殊记号或标签)标出(某物, 以引起特别注意)
*All the surnames in the list have been specially flagged so that the computer can print them out easily. 名单上的姓氏都特别标出, 以便计算机容易打印出.
3 (phr v) flag sth down signal to (a moving vehicle) to stop, usu by waving one's arm 向(行驶的车辆)发出停车信号(通常指挥动手臂)
*flag down a taxi 挥手拦截计程车.

/flæg; flæˇ/
v (-gg-) [I]
1 become tired, less active, or less interesting; weaken 变得疲倦、不活跃或乏味; 衰弱
*My strength, interest, enthusiasm, etc is flagging. 我的力气、兴趣、热情等正在减退.
2 (esp of plants) become limp or feeble; hang down or droop (尤指植物)萎蔫, 枯萎
*Roses will flag in the summer heat. 夏天炎热玫瑰就要枯萎.

/flæg; flæˇ/
n = flagstone.

/flæg; flæˇ/
n type of plant with blade-like leaves, usu growing in wet land 菖蒲; 香蒲. Cf 参看 iris 2.


The rubber pride flag, also known as the latex pride flag is a symbol used by members of the rubber and latex fetish community. It was designed in 1994 by Peter Tolos and Scott Moats.
1. The white flag is the emblem of surrender.

2. The flag is only raised when royalty are present.

3. The American flag is the Stars and Stripes.

4. The grass fresh and green, a flag on a tall pole in the centre, children playing, and a Negro woman looking at it with so much hope!

5. All-night golf courses, with brightly colored balls and blinking red lights atop the flag stick;

6. At the top of the building there is a red flag.

7. A flag was hoisted on top of the building.

8. A white flag is used as a token of surrender.

9. Of course the trees and grass are not bad, but I never liked that old Negro woman looking at our American flag.

10. Is there a maple leaf in Canada´s national flag?
