

美音:[ə:dʒ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ə:dʒ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
vt.催促,力劝 n.强烈欲望,迫切要求 v.促进


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advise  agitate  coax  drive  force  goad  incite  plead  press  pressure  prod  prompt  provoke  push  spur    


/ɜ:dʒ; ɝdʒ/
1 [Tn.pr, Tn.p, Cn.t] drive forcibly or hurry (a horse, etc) in a certain direction 驱赶, 驱策(马等)
*urge a pony into a canter, up a slope 驱策小马慢跑、上斜坡
* urge one's mount on, forward, north 策马继续前进、向前、朝北走
* She urged her mare to jump the fence. 她策马跳过障碍物.
2 [Tn, Tf, Tg, Tsg, Cn.t] try earnestly or persistently to persuade (sb) 诚恳地或持续地催促(某人)
*`Don't give in now,' she urged. `先别认输,'她鼓励道.
* He urged that we should go/urged (our) going/urged us to go. 他催我们走.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.t] ~ sth (on/upon sb/sth) recommend sth strongly with reasoning or entreaty 竭力推荐或力陈某事物
*We urged caution. 我们特别提出要小心谨慎.
* The government urged on industry the importance of low pay settlements. 政府向工商业界强调解决低工资问题的重要性.
* Motoring organizations are urging drivers not to travel by road if possible. 机动车协会劝告开车的人暂时不要使用公路.
4 (phr v) urge sb on encourage or stimulate sb to do sth 鼓励或激励某人做某事
*The manager urged his staff on (to greater efforts). 经理督促职员更加努力.
* Urged on by his colleagues, he stood for election. 他受到同事的鼓励而参加竞选.
* The need to find a solution urged him on. 亟须找出解决方法, 这是鞭策他的动力.

n strong desire or impulse 强烈的欲望或冲动
*sexual urges 性欲冲动
* get, have, feel, give in to a sudden urge to travel 心血来潮去旅行.
1. But there's a vast difference between the breeding programs as practiced by some groups (where the urge to breed certain types of people leads to efforts to destroy other types) and the much more harmless forms already practiced in democratic societi

2. Tentatively it can be suggested that this is the main influence upon those who urge the abolition of capital punishment.

3. He already had the urge to explore and extend a talent he discovered in himself as he went along.

4. Change your study habits. Have you sometimes felt the urge to cheat when you didn't study well enough for a test?

5. I was afraid of the boy and I had an urge to run away from him.
