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association为短语/超纲词汇   词频:757




soci=companion(同伴),to associate(结交)

近义词, 同义词


enemy  opponent  rival    


/ə,səʊsɪ'eɪʃn; ə,sosɪ`eʃən/
1 [U]
(a) ~ (with sb/sth) action of associating or being associated联合; 联系; 联盟; 合伙
*His English improved enormously because of his association with British people. 因为他和英国人有来往, 所以他的英语突飞猛进.
* There has always been a close association between these two schools. 这两所学校一向有密切联系.
* We are working in association with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless. 我们与本地一些公司联合为无家可归的人筹款.
(b) being in sb's company; friendship 与某人为伍; 友谊; 友情; 交往
*She became famous through her association with several poets. 她通过与几位诗人的交往而出名了.
2 [C] mental connection between ideas 联想
*What associations does the sea have for you? 你从大海能联想到什么?
3 [C] group of people joined together for a common purpose; organization 社团; 协会; 学会
*Do you belong to any professional associations? 你是哪个专业学会的?


an organization that consists of a group of people who have the same aims, do the same kind of work etc
 the Association of Master Builders
housing association
[U and C]
a relationship with a particular person, organization, group etc
association with
 his close association with the Green Party
in association with sb/sth
made or done with another person, organization etc
 concerts sponsored by the Arts Council in association with local businesses
a connection or relationship between two events, ideas, situations etc
association between
 the strong association between the disease and middle-aged women
a feeling or memory that is related to a particular place, event, word etc
 Scotland has all kinds of happy associations for me.
1. But she had to stay and look out for Tom, the secretary of the Tenants´ Association, on his way home from work.

2. The members exalted Mr. Smith when they elected him president of the association .

3. The Youth Hostels Association.

4. NBA is the abbreviation of "National Basketball Association".
    NBA 是"全国篮球协会"的简称。

5. I found him pleasant and considerate and his personal touch made our association agreeable.

6. Whose analysis of the data on exercise and fall prevention appeared last year in The Journal of the American Medical Association.

7. Fleming presented the result of his experiment in a report to a medical association, giving the name penicillin to the mould he had discovered.
