

美音:[ık´stenʃən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[ık´stenʃən ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.延长,扩充,范围 n.扩展名 adj.[逻]外延的,客观现实的


extension为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2135



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/ɪk'stenʃn; ɪk`stɛnʃən/
1 [U] process or action of extending (extend 1,2,3); state of being extended 伸长; 延长; 延展; 伸展; 提供; 给予
*The extension of the garden will take several weeks. 扩建花园需要几个星期.
* the extension of scientific knowledge 科学知识的普及
* the extension of a warm welcome 给予热烈的欢迎.
2 [C]
(a) ~ (to sth) added part; addition; enlargement 增加的部分; 增加; 扩大
*build an extension to a hospital 扩建一医院
* Our extension is nearly finished. 我们的扩建部分已接近完工.
(b) ~ (of sth) additional period of time 增加的一段时间; 延长期
*an extension of one's summer holidays 暑假的延长
* get an extension (of time), eg for paying a debt 获得延期(如偿债的宽限期)
* He's got an extension to finish writing his thesis. 他获准延期交论文.
3 [C] telephone line leading from the main phone or switchboard to another room or office in a (large) building; its number 电话分机; 分机号码
*There are telephone extensions in every office. 每间办公室都有电话分机.
* She has an extension in the kitchen and in the bedroom. 她的厨房和卧室都有电话分机.
* `Extension 326, please.' `请接326号分机.'
4 [U] (medical or fml 医或文)
(a) action of stretching out a limb or finger (四肢或手指的)伸展
*Extension of the injured arm was painful. 把受伤的胳膊伸展开是很疼的.
(b) its position when stretched out 伸展开的姿势
*The leg is now at full extension. 现在腿已伸直.


1【making something bigger or longer】
2【extra rooms】
3【extra time】
4【include/affect more than before】
6 by extension
7 extensions
9【electric wire】
10【stretch arm/leg】
the process of making a road, building etc bigger or longer, or the part that is added
extension of
 the extension of the Jubilee underground line
another room or rooms which are added to a building
extension to
 the planned extension to the National Museum
 a loft extension
【EXTRA TIME】 [C usually singular]
an additional period of time allowed for something
 Donald's been given an extension to finish his thesis.
 The pub's got an extension tonight (=it will stay open longer than usual) .
the development of something in order to make it affect more people, situations, areas than before
extension of
 the extension of the copyright laws to cover online materials
 an extension of the powers of the European Parliament
【TELEPHONE】[C]a) one of many telephone lines connected to a central system in a large building, which all have different numbers
 Can I have extension 316, please?
 Do you know Mr Brown's extension number?
b) one of the telephones in a house that all have the same number
by extension
used when you want to mention something that is naturally related to something else
 My primary responsibility is to the pupils, and by extension to the teachers and parents.
extensions [plural]
long pieces of artificial hair that can be attached to your hair to make it look longer
hair extensions
a set of three letters that follow the name of a computer file to show what it is. For example, the extension '.doc' shows that a file is a written document.
an extension lead
the position of a part of the body when it is stretched, or the process of stretching it
part of a university or college that offers courses to people who are not full time students
1. Have you got an extension cord?

2. "The controls are so sensitive," Major Hamilton says, "they're almost an extension of the pilot's body."
    "这些控制装置非常灵敏," 汉密尔顿少校说,"它们几乎就是驾驶员身体的延伸。"

3. As part of its deal with the Disney organization, the government is laying on and paying for new highways, an extension of Paris's regional express railway and even a direct connection for the high speed TGV railway to the Channel Tunnel.
