

美音:[fri:k ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[fri:k ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.怪诞的思想、行动或事件,畸形人,畸形的动物或植物,反复无常 adj.奇异的,反常的




动词过去式:freaked 过去分词:freaked 现在分词:freaking 第三人称单数:freaks

近义词, 同义词



/fri:k; frik/
1 (infml derog 口, 贬) person considered abnormal because of his behaviour, appearance, ideas, etc (因行为、相貌、思想等而被看作)不正常的人
*People think she's a freak just because she's religious. 就因为她信教, 人们就把她当成怪人.
2 (infml 口) person with a specified interest or obsession; fan 有特别兴趣或着迷的人; 迷
*health/health-food freaks 对健康[保健食品]着迷的人
* a jazz freak 爵士乐迷
* an acid freak, ie sb addicted to the drug LSD 有迷幻药瘾的人.
3 very unusual event or action 极不寻常的事或行为
*By some freak (of chance) I was overpaid this month. 真稀奇, 这个月多给我钱了.
* [attrib 作定语] a freak accident, storm, etc 反常的事故、暴风雨等.
4 (also ,freak of `nature) person, animal or plant that is abnormal in form 畸形的人、动物或植物.

/fri:k; frik/
v (infml 口)
1 [I, Ip] ~ (out) have an extreme reaction to sth 对某事物有极端强烈的反应
*My parents (really) freaked (out) when they saw my purple hair, ie were shocked and angry. 我父母看见我的紫红头发, 大惊失色.
* When they told me I'd won a car, I absolutely freaked, ie was extremely happy. 听说我赢得一辆小汽车, 简直欣喜若狂.
2 (phr v) freak out
(a) temporarily lose control of oneself; go crazy; act abnormally, usu under the influence of drugs 暂时对自己失去控制, 发疯, 行为异常(通常为毒品所致)
*This ordinary quiet guy just freaked out and shot ten people. 这个平时温和的家伙简直发疯了, 开枪打死了十个人.
* John's party was really wild everyone freaked out (on drugs), ie hallucinated. 约翰搞的聚会真够疯狂的--大家都(因吸食毒品)神魂颠倒了.
(b) adopt an unconventional style of life 采取不平常的生活方式. freak sb out make sb feel extreme pleasure or unease 使某人感到极度的欣喜或不安
*Listening to a good stereo system always freaks me out. 我一听到好的立体声音乐就乐不可支.