

美音:[´nəutəs ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´nəutəs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.通知,布告,注意 v.注意到


notice为中学词汇   词频:1587


动词过去式:noticed 过去分词:noticed 现在分词:noticing 第三人称单数:notices


not=to mark(标示)

近义词, 同义词


heed  note  observe  regard  see    


/'nəʊtɪs; `notɪs/
1 [C] (sheet of paper, etc giving) written or printed news or information, usu displayed publicly 布告; 公告; 告示; 启事
*put up a notice 张贴布告
* notices of births, deaths and marriages in the newspapers 报上登的出生喜报、讣告、结婚启事.
2 [U]
(a) warning (of what will happen) 通知; 预告; 警告
*receive two months' notice to leave (a house, job, etc) 收到两个月後搬家、解雇等的通知
* at short notice, ie with little warning, little time for preparation, etc 在短时间内(突如其来、无充分准备时间等)
* leave at (only) ten days' notice, ie with a warning given only ten days beforehand (仅)提前十天通知离去
* You must give notice (ie tell people beforehand) of changes in the arrangements. 你要改变计画必须事先通知大家.
* The bar is closed until further notice. 酒吧现已歇业, 开业时间另行通知.
(b) formal letter, etc stating that sb is to leave a job at a specified time 辞职书; 辞职报告; 辞呈
*He handed in his notice (ie left his job) last week. 他上星期递了辞呈.
* He gave her a month's notice, ie told her that she had to leave her job in a month's time. 他通知她一个月内离职.
* leave without notice, ie without giving the agreed amount of warning 擅自离去(未履行应预先通知之约).
3 [C] short review of a book, play, etc in a newspaper, etc (报刊上对书、戏剧等的)短评, 评介
*The play received good notices. 那个剧受到好评.
4 (idm 习语) be beneath one's notice (fml 文) be sth one should ignore 不为某人理会; 不值一顾
*He regarded all these administrative details as beneath his notice. 他认为行政管理上的这些琐事都不值一顾. bring sth to sb's `notice (fml 文) tell sb about sth, show sb sth, etc 将某事知会某人; 使某人注意某事物
*It was Susan who brought the problem to our notice. 是苏珊提醒我们注意那个问题的. come to sb's notice (fml 文) be seen, heard, etc by sb 被某人看到、听到等
*It has come to my notice that you have been stealing. 我察觉到了你经常偷窃. escape notice => escape1. sit up and take notice => sit. take no `notice/not take any notice (of sb/sth) pay no attention (to sb/sth) 不注意(某人[某事物]); 不理会
*Take no notice/Don't take any notice (of what he says)! 别理会(他的话)!

1 [I, Tn, Tf, Tw, Tng, Tni] become aware of (sb/sth); observe 注意到(某人[某事物]); 留心; 看到
*Didn't you notice? He has dyed his hair. 你没注意? 他染头发了.
* Sorry, I didn't notice you. 对不起, 我没看见你.
* I noticed (that) he left early. 我注意到他走得很早.
* I noticed how she did it. 我看见她怎么做了.
* Did you notice him coming in/come in? 你看见他进来了吗?
2 [Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态] pay attention to (sb) 注意(某人)
*a young actor trying desperately to be noticed by the critics 极力想引起评论家注意的青年演员
* She just wants to be noticed, that's why she dresses so strangely. 她就是想引人注意才穿得那么稀奇古怪的.
1. Even people who take no interest in art cannot have failed to notice examples of modern sculpture on display in public places.

2. When I am finished, I pull a chair up beside the bed to face her and, taking her free hand between mine, again notice the long, thin fingers.

3. The parents didn´t notice the alienation of their child from them.

4. The blacksmith was there reading the notice.

5. Take no notice of his threats they´re sheer bravado.

6. They notice more.

7. The first thing I saw when I entered the art gallery was a notice which said: ´Do not touch the exhibits. Some of them are dangerous!´

8. They notice more.

9. Then, as I ran along, the blacksmith, who was there reading the notice, cried out to me, "Not so fast, little one, you will reach your school soon enough."

10. This was why I didn't notice him the first year we worked together at the firm.
