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roof为小学词汇   词频:1907


动词过去式:roofed 过去分词:roofed 现在分词:roofing 第三人称单数:roofs

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covering  cover  canopy  tent  marquee  umbrella  parasol  sunshade  veil  shade  shield  defense  roof  ceiling  thatch  tile  tiling  top    




/ru:f; ruf/
n (pl ~s)
1 structure covering or forming the top of a building, vehicle, etc (建筑物、车辆等的)顶部; 屋顶; 车顶
*a flat/sloping roof 平的[斜的]顶
* fly above the roofs of the city 在城市上空飞行
* Although divorced, they continued to live under the same roof, ie in the same house. 他们已经离婚了, 但仍然同住在一所房子里.
* a library and concert-hall both under one roof, ie in the same building 设在同一座建筑物内的图书馆和音乐听
* have a/no roof over one's head, ie have a/no place to live 有[没有]住处
* The roof of the mine passage collapsed. 巷道的顶部塌了.
* a painful sore in the roof of her mouth, ie the palate 她 部的痛处
* (rhet 修辞) the roof of the world, ie the highest part, esp a mountain (range) or plateau 世界屋脊(最高的部分, 尤指山脉或高原). =>illus at App
1 见附录1插图, pages vi, xii.
2 (idm 习语) go through the roof (infml 口) become very angry 怒气冲天
*She went through the roof when I told her I'd crashed her car. 我告诉她我把她的汽车撞坏了, 她气得大发雷霆. Cf 参看 hit the ceiling/roof (hit1). raise the roof => raise.

v (pt, pp ~ed / ru:ft; ruft/) [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (over/in) (with sth) cover sth with a roof; be a roof for sth 给某物装上顶部; 作某物的顶部
*roof (over) a yard (with sheets of plastic) (用塑料板)给院子搭顶篷
* a plan to roof in the stadium 给露天体育场加盖顶篷的计画
* a hut crudely roofed with strips of bark 简简单单用树皮作顶的小屋.
1. Every apartment house has a water tank on its roof.

2. Because the weather was very hot, he carried the bed on to the roof of his house.

3. The tiles on the roof overlap one another.

4. The roof of the mine passage collapsed.

5. There was no time for play now. On the roof of the schoolhouse some pigeons were softly cooing, and I said to myself, "
    现在可没功夫玩了. 在校舍的屋顶上有几只鸽子在咕咕地叫.

6. The contract specifies red tiles for the roof.

7. The roof is covered with tiles.

8. The day after, he asked him to mend his roof for him.

9. The tops of trees form a kind of roof, under which there is little light, as the sun cannot get in, and it is very quiet because the trees keep out the wind.

10. They dismissed their maid, they gave up their apartment, they took a garret under the roof.
