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ceiling为高中词汇   词频:2884



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/'si:lɪŋ; `silɪŋ/
1 top inner surface of a room 天花板; 顶篷
*Mind you don't bump your head on the low ceiling. 天花板很低, 留神别碰头.
2 cloud level 云幕高度.
3 maximum altitude at which a particular aircraft can normally fly 一航空器所能飞的最高限度; 升限; 上升限度
*an aircraft with a ceiling of
20000 ft 一架能飞20000英尺高的飞机.
4 upper limit 上限
*The government has set a wages and prices ceiling of 10%. 政府规定工资和物价提高的最高限度为10%.
5 (idm 习语) hit the ceiling/roof => hit 1.


[Date: 1500-1600; Origin: ceil 'to provide with a ceiling' (16-20 centuries), probably from Latin caelare 'to cut into a surface']
the inner surface of the top part of a room
 rooms with high ceilings
 a light hanging from the ceiling
the largest number or amount of something that is officially allowed
ceiling of
 a public spending ceiling of £240 bn
impose/set/put a ceiling (on sth)
 The government imposed a ceiling on imports of foreign cars.
raise/lower the ceiling (on sth)
technical the greatest height an aircraft can fly at or the level of the clouds
glass ceiling
1. There are many spots on the ceiling.

2. Two widely separated strings hang from a ceiling. Even though you can't reach both at once, is it possible to tie their ends together, using only a pair of pliers?

3. A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us.

4. Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to everybody.

5. On both sides of the fireplace and opposite the window were crowded bookshelves, on the top of which packets of newspapers and manuscripts were piled up to the ceiling.

6. If you are lucky enough to get a couchette, you spend half the night staring at the smore blue light in the ceiling.

7. If you are lucky enough to get a sleeper, you spend half the night staring at the small blue light in the ceiling,

8. I disagree. If I did agree, I certainly wouldn't look at my feet or at the ceiling. I'd keep my eyes on the lion!
