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soul为高中词汇   词频:2283

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/səʊl; sol/
1 [C] spiritual or non-material part of a person, believed to exist after death 灵魂
*commend one's soul to God 将灵魂付托给上帝
* Do you believe in the immortality of the soul? 你相信灵魂不朽吗?
* Christians believe that a person's soul survives the death of his body. 基督徒相信人的灵魂在躯体死後依然存在.
2 [C, U] decency and honesty of feeling; emotional, moral and intellectual energy, eg as revealed in works of art 高 尚的情操; 精神; 精力; 魄力; 道义; 智力
*He is a man without a soul. 他是个无情无义的人.
* a very polished performance, but without soul 技巧精湛的表演, 但没有内涵
* This music has no soul. 这音乐没有气魄.
3 [sing] the ~ of sth perfect example or pattern (of some virtue or quality) (某种美德或品质的)完美典型, 化身
*He is the soul of honour/discretion. 他是荣誉的化身[为人极为谨慎].
4 [C] spirit of a dead person 鬼魂; 亡灵; 幽魂
*lost souls still walking the earth 仍在大地上行走的迷惘的幽灵
* All Souls' Day, ie
2 November 万灵节(11月2日).
5 [C]
(a) person 人
*There wasn't a soul to be seen, ie No one was in sight. 一个人影儿都看不见.
* Don't tell a soul, ie Don't tell anybody. 谁也别告诉.
(b) (with adjs, indicating familiarity, pity, etc 与形容词连用, 表示亲密、怜悯等) person, child, etc 人; 家伙
*a dear old soul 可爱的人儿
* She's a cheery little soul, ie a cheerful girl, etc. 她是个活泼开朗的孩子.
* She's lost all her money, poor soul. 她的钱全没了, 真可怜.
6 [U] (also soul music) type of popular modern Black American music, derived from gospel, blues and jazz, that expresses strong emotion 灵乐(美国现代黑人通俗音乐, 源自福音音乐、布鲁斯音乐和爵士乐, 表达浓烈的情感)
*the sound of soul 灵乐之韵
* [attrib 作定语] a soul singer 灵乐歌手.
7 [U] (US infml 口) Black American culture and racial identity; qualities enabling a person to be in harmony with himself and others 美国黑人文化及其种族特性; 开朗随和的性格特点.
8 (idm 习语) bare one's heart/soul => bare2. body and soul => body. heart and soul => heart. keep body and soul together => body. the life and soul of sth => life. sell one's soul => sell. upon my soul! (dated 旧) (used as an exclamation of shock or surprise 用以表示震惊或惊奇).


1【somebody's spirit】
4【sense of beauty】
5【special quality】
6 be the soul of discretion
7 be good for the soul
8 God rest his/her soul
9【people in a place】
10 bless my soul/upon my soul
[Language: Old English;Origin: sawol]
the part of a person that is not physical, and that contains their character, thoughts, and feelings. Many people believe that a person's soul continues to exist after they have died
 the immortality of the soul
 It was as if those grey eyes could see into the very depths of her soul .
in sb's soul
 the restlessness deep in his soul
 the souls of the dead
used in particular phrases to mean 'a person'
happy/sensitive/brave/simple etc soul
 He is really quite a sensitive soul.
not a (living) soul
(=no one)
 I promise I won't tell a soul .
not a soul in sight/not a soul to be seen
 The night was dark and still, and there was not a soul in sight.
poor (old) soul
(=used to show pity for someone)
 The poor old soul had fallen and broken her hip.
【MUSIC】alsosoul music[U]
a type of popular music that often expresses deep emotions, usually performed by black singers and musicians
 He listens to a lot of soul.
 a soul band
a) the ability to be emotionally affected by art, music, literature etc
 My brother thinks that anyone who doesn't like poetry has no soul.
b) the quality that affects people emotionally, that a painting, piece of music etc can have
 Her performance was technically perfect, but it lacked soul.
the special quality or part that gives something its true character
soul of
 Basho's poems capture the true soul of old Japan.
be the soul of discretion
to always be extremely careful to keep secrets
 Leon is the very soul of discretion.
be good for the soul
if something is good for the soul, it is good for you and you should do it, even though it may seem unpleasant - often used humorously
 They say that hardship is good for the soul.
God rest his/her soul
used when you mention the name of someone who is dead
 My father, God rest his soul, died here at Vernison Hall.
【PEOPLE IN A PLACE】 [plural]
literary the number of souls in a place is the number of people who live there
 a village of two or three hundred souls
bless my soul/upon my soul
old-fashioned spoken used to express surprise
bare your soulatbare2 (2)
be the life and soul of the partyatlife
keep body and soul togetheratbody
heart and soulatheart
sell your soul (to the devil)atsell1 (9)
1. Even as a child, the sight of exotic trees, foreign maps and descriptions of tropic zones had moved me to tears, for I had a longing for a homeland for my soul."

2. But I don't want to. These peaks and valleys, these mountain streams and enormous rocks hurt my eyes; they hurt my soul.

3. While the others are absent you can stretch out your soul until it fills up the whole room,

4. There were those who believed that the heart was the home of the soul and the thought of a heart being transplanted from one body to another caused them a great deal of pain.

5. The human soul, it seems, needs to stay close to its roots.

6. He found it the "homeland for my soul."

7. Do you believe in the immortality of the soul?

8. After my three classes each day, I walked without aim around the grounds like a lost soul. I had no place to go.

9. She thinks meditation can subtilize one´s soul.

10. Courage and resolution are the spirit and soul of virtue.
