

美音:[stɔl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[stɔl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.货摊,畜栏,厩,出售摊 v.(使)停转,(使)停止,迟延


stall为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4672


动词过去式:stalled 过去分词:stalled 现在分词:stalling 第三人称单数:stalls


sist,stitut,sta,st=to stand(站立)

近义词, 同义词

cage  terrarium  paddock  doghouse  pen  aviary  barn  stall  zoo  nest  lair  den  holereceptacle  inclosure  compartment  cell  cellule  follicle  hole  corner  niche  recess  nook  crypt  stall  pigeonhole  cove  cave  concavity  capsule  cyst  pod    



/stɔ:l; stɔl/
1 [C] compartment, usu with three sides, for one animal in a stable or cattle shed 牲畜棚中的一栏(通常三面有墙).
2 [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) table, stand or small open-fronted shop from which things are sold in a market, on a street, in a railway station, etc 摊位; 铺子; 售货亭
*a `bookstall at the station 车站的书亭
* a `fruit stall in the market 菜场里的水果摊儿
* run a `cake stall at the bazaar 在市场中经营糕饼铺子.
3 stalls [pl] (Brit) (set of seats in) the part of a theatre that is nearest to the stage (戏院的)正厅前排(座位)
*two seats in the stalls 两个前排座位
* laughter from the stalls 前排观众发出的笑声. =>illus at App
1 见附录1插图, page ix.
4 [C] any of several fixed seats, usu with its back and sides enclosed, in the choir or chancel of a church (教堂内)唱诗班席位; (高坛上的)牧师座位
*the canon's `stall 牧师的座位
* the `choir stalls 唱诗班席位.
5 [C] any small room or compartment, usu for one person 小房间, 小隔间(通常 指供单人使用的)
*stalls for changing in at the swimming-pool 游泳池的更衣间.
6 [C] (instance of the) stalling of an aircraft or engine; condition resulting from this (飞行器失速造成的)失控下降; (发动机的)熄火
*go into/get out of a stall 进入[脱离]失控下降状态.
7 [C] = finger-stall (finger).

1 [Tn] place or keep (an animal) in a stall(1), esp for fattening 将(动物)关在栏内(尤指为了养肥).
2 (a) [I] (of an engine) stop suddenly because of insufficient power or speed (指发动机因力量或速度不够)熄火
*The car stalled at the roundabout. 那辆汽车在环形交叉处抛锚了.
(b) [I, Tn] (of a driver) cause (an engine) to do this (指司机)使(发动机)熄火
*Learner drivers often stall (their cars). 见习司机常造成(汽车)熄火现象.
3 (a) [I] (of an aircraft) get out of control and start to drop because of loss of speed (指飞行器)(因失速)失控下降
*The plane stalled suddenly. 那飞机突然失控下降.
(b) [I, Tn] (of a pilot) cause (an aircraft) to do this (指飞行器驾驶员)造成(飞行器)失控下降.
4 (a) [I] avoid giving a definite answer or taking action (in order to get more time); delay 支吾, 拖延(以争取时间)
*stall for time 拖延时间
* Stop stalling and give me an answer! 别支支吾吾的了, 快回答我的问题!
(b) [Tn] avoid answering (a person, request, etc) in this way 对(某人、某要求等)支吾或敷衍
*stall one's creditors 敷衍债主.