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case为小学词汇   词频:140


动词过去式:cased 过去分词:cased 现在分词:casing 第三人称单数:cases


cad=to fall(落下) 变化型 cid,cas

近义词, 同义词

cover  superpose  superimpose  overlay  spread over  wrap  encase  face  case  veneer  pave  paper  cap  bind  coat  paint  varnish  incrust  plaster  tar  besmear  bedaubenclosure  envelope  case  receptacle  wrapper  girdle  pen  fold  paddock  pound  corral  yard  net  wall  hedge  enceinte    



/keɪs; kes/
1 [C] instance or example of the occurrence of sth 事例; 实例; 情形
*The company only dismisses its employees in cases of gross misconduct. 公司仅在雇员严重失职的情形下才予以解雇.
* It's a clear case of blackmail! 这显然是敲诈!
2 the case [sing] actual state of affairs; situation 实情; 情况
*Is it the case (ie Is it true) that the company's sales have dropped? 公司销售额下降一事属实吗?
* If that is the case (ie If the situation is as stated), you will have to work much harder. 果真如此(情况一如所述), 你就得更加努力了.
3 [C usu sing 通常作单数] circumstances or special conditions relating to a person or thing 与某人或某事物有关的环境或特殊情况
*In your case, we are prepared to be lenient. 根据你的情况, 我们拟予从宽处理.
* I cannot make an exception in your case, ie for you and not for others. 我不能为你破例.
4 [C] instance of a disease or an injury; person suffering from this 病例; 病症; 患者
*a case of typhoid 伤寒患者
* Cases of smallpox are becoming rare. 天花病例日益罕见.
5 [C] person having medical, psychiatric, etc treatment 接受内科、精神科等治疗的病人
*This boy is a sad case. His parents are divorced and he himself is severely handicapped. 这个男孩儿是个可怜的病儿, 父母离婚, 本人又严重残废.
6 [C] matter that is being officially investigated, esp by the police 被官方(尤指警方)调查的事情; 案件
*a murder case/a case of murder 谋杀案.
7 [C]
(a) question to be decided in a court of law; lawsuit 诉讼案
*The case will be heard in court next week. 这一案件下星期审理.
* When does your case come before the court? 你的案子什么时候开庭审讯?
(b) (usu sing 通常作单数) set of facts or arguments supporting one side in a lawsuit, debate, etc 诉讼、辩论等的一方的辩护事实、理由、论点或论据
*the case for the defence/prosecution 有利于辩方[控方]的案情陈述
* the case for/against the abolition of the death penalty 拥护[反对]废除死刑的理由
* You have a very strong case. 你的论据很有力.
8 [U, C] (grammar) (change in the) form of a noun, or pronoun, etc (esp in inflected languages) that shows its relationship to another word 格(尤指屈折语中, 表示名词或代词等与另一词的关系的形式及其变化)
*the nominative case 主格
* the accusative case 宾格
* Latin nouns have case, number and gender. 拉丁语名词有格、数和性. Cf 参看 declension.
9 [sing] (infml 口) eccentric person 怪人
*He really is a case! 他真是个怪人!
10 (idm 习语) a case in `point example that is relevant to the matter being discussed 与所谈论的事有关的事例; 例证. as the ,case may `be (used when describing two or more possible alternatives) as will be determined by the circumstances (用于两种或多种可能性)看情形, 根据具体情况
*There may be an announcement about this tomorrow or not, as the case may be. 这件事明天可能宣布--也可能不宣布, 看情形吧. in `any case whatever happens or may have happened 无论如何; 总之. (just) in case (...) because of the possibility of sth happening 因为可能发生某事; 以防万一; 万一
*It may rain you'd better take an umbrella (just) in case (it does). 可能下雨--你最好带把伞, 以防万一(下起来). in case of sth if sth happens 若发生某事; 假如
*In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. 遇火警时立即按警铃. in `no case in no circumstances 在任何情形下决不; 无论如何都不. in `that case if that happens or has happened; if that is the state of affairs 既然那样; 假若是那样的话
*You don't like your job? In that case why don't you leave? 你不喜欢这份工作? 那你怎么不辞掉呢? make out a case (for sth) give arguments in favour of sth 提出对某事有利的论据
*The report makes out a strong case for increased spending on hospitals. 这份报告提出了对增加 医疗开支的有力论据. meet the case => meet1. prove one's/the case/point => prove.

/keɪs; kes/
1 (a) (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) any of various types of container or protective covering (各种类型的)容器、套、罩或包装
*a jewel case
* a pencil case
* a packing-case, ie a large wooden box for packing goods in
* Exhibits in museums are often displayed in glass cases. 博物馆中的展品常摆放在玻璃橱里.
(b) this with its contents; amount that it contains (各种类型的)容器及其内容或容量
*a case (ie
12 bottles) of champagne 一箱香槟酒(12瓶). =>illus at box 见box之插图.
2 suitcase 手提箱
*Could you carry my case for me? 你给我提着手提箱可以吗?

1 [Tn] enclose (sth) in a case; encase 把(某物)装于容器中; 使装箱; 使装盒.
2 (idm 习语) case the joint (sl 俚) inspect a place carefully (esp before robbing it) 仔细探察一处所(尤指于抢劫前). casing n [U, C] protective covering 包装; 套; 罩
*wrapped in rubber casing 包在橡胶套中.
1. Everyone should have a lawyer to plead his case.

2. Each train has two engines, in case one fails.

3. English lawyers will say to Mrs. Smith, 'No, that contract is not valid,' while Mr.Smith will want it to be an American case.

4. We cannot assume anything in this case.

5. What is needed in the case of noise is a study of large numbers of people living under noisy conditions,

6. We need in the case of malaria

7. While human cloning might not offer great benefits to humanity, no one has yet made a convincing case that it would do any real harm, either.

8. The Officer went through the case with great care.

9. The case contains my clothes.

10. The nurse was very informative and told me everything about his case.
    这位护士提供了很多情况, 把有关他病情的一切都告诉了我。
