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n.叶,树叶,(书的)一张(两叶),页 vi.生叶,翻书页 vt.翻...的页


leaf为小学词汇   词频:1852


名词复数:leaves 动词过去式:leafed 过去分词:leafed 现在分词:leafing 第三人称单数:leafs

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/li:f; lif/
n (pl leaves / li:vz; livz/)
1 [C] one of the (usu green and flat) parts of a plant, growing from a stem or branch or directly from the root 叶子
*lettuce, cabbage, etc leaves 苣、洋白菜等的叶子
* sweep up the dead leaves 扫枯叶.
2 [C] sheet of paper (esp forming two pages of a book) 叶; 页; (尤指书或本中有两个印刷面的)张
*carefully turn over the leaves of the precious volume 小心翻动珍本书的书页
* a loose leaf of paper lying on the desk 脱落在书桌上的一页纸.
3 [U] metal, esp gold or silver, in the form of very thin sheets 金属薄片; (尤指)金箔, 银箔
*gold leaf 金箔.
4 [C] hinged flap or detachable section used to extend a table-top (延长桌面的)折面或活面.
5 (idm 习语) come into/be in `leaf grow/be covered with leaves 长出[长满]叶子. shake like a leaf => shake1. take a leaf out of sb's `book copy sb; act or behave in a similar way to sb 模仿某人; 行为或举止学某人. turn over a new leaf => new.

v (phr v) leaf through sth turn over the pages of (a book, etc) quickly; glance through sth 快速翻(书页等); 浏览某物
*leaf idly through a magazine while waiting 等候时无聊地浏览杂志.

/li:f; lif/
n (pl leaves / li:vz; livz/)
1 [C] one of the (usu green and flat) parts of a plant, growing from a stem or branch or directly from the root 叶子
*lettuce, cabbage, etc leaves 苣、洋白菜等的叶子
* sweep up the dead leaves 扫枯叶.
2 [C] sheet of paper (esp forming two pages of a book) 叶; 页; (尤指书或本中有两个印刷面的)张
*carefully turn over the leaves of the precious volume 小心翻动珍本书的书页
* a loose leaf of paper lying on the desk 脱落在书桌上的一页纸.
3 [U] metal, esp gold or silver, in the form of very thin sheets 金属薄片; (尤指)金箔, 银箔
*gold leaf 金箔.
4 [C] hinged flap or detachable section used to extend a table-top (延长桌面的)折面或活面.
5 (idm 习语) come into/be in `leaf grow/be covered with leaves 长出[长满]叶子. shake like a leaf => shake1. take a leaf out of sb's `book copy sb; act or behave in a similar way to sb 模仿某人; 行为或举止学某人. turn over a new leaf => new.

v (phr v) leaf through sth turn over the pages of (a book, etc) quickly; glance through sth 快速翻(书页等); 浏览某物
*leaf idly through a magazine while waiting 等候时无聊地浏览杂志.
1. The trees leaf ( out) in spring.

2. Once you turn over a new leaf, you can't expect to change completely right away.

3. Is there a maple leaf in Canada´s national flag?

4. It is said that if anyone touches the tree, he will have bad luck; if he picks a leaf, he will die.
