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achievement为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1980

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1 [U] action of achieving 完成; 达到
*celebrate the achievement of one's aims 庆祝愿望的实现.
2 [C] thing done successfully, esp with effort and skill 成就, 成绩(尤指藉努力和技巧而得到者)
*the greatest scientific achievement of the decade 这十年的最伟大的科学成就. =>Usage at act1 用法见act1.


something important that you succeed in doing by your own efforts
achievement of
 We try to celebrate the achievements of our students.
 His great achievement is to make all the players into a united team.
sb's achievement in (doing) sth
 The test measures children's achievements in reading, spelling and maths.
when you achieve something or when people achieve something
 Roberts is researching the effect of social class on educational achievement.
 As we climbed the final few metres, we felt a sense of achievement .
1. But also, I was presenting to her one more particularly fine achievement: my own dark-eyed, dark-skinned, dark-haired daughter, whom my grandmother had never met.

2. Word last week that a scientist named Ian Wilmut had succeeded in cloning an adult mammal — an achievement long thought impossible — caught the imagination of everyone.

3. This is a major achievement because, in relative terms, planets are very small and do not emit light.

4. The Hyde School operates on the principle that if you teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern, then academic achievement naturally follows.

5. To motivate yourself for any achievement requires clear goals and an optimistic, can-do attitude.

6. Naturally, the name change didn't cause Debbie / Lynne's professional achievement — but it surely helped if only by adding a bit of self-confidence to her talents.
    当然, 黛比 (或林恩) 的职业成就并不是改名带来的,但是它肯定给她带来了好处,虽说改名仅使她对自己的才能增加了一点点自信。

7. His noteworthy achievement has brought him much joy.

8. Dr. Thomas V. Busse and Louisa Seraydarian of Temple University found those girls with names such as Linda, Diane, Barbara, Carol, and Cindy performed better on objectively graded IQ and achievement tests than did girls with less appealing names.

9. Another is the personal feeling of success, of achievement.

10. Apparently, such prejudices can affect classroom achievement as well.
