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formation为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2041




form=to form(形成),form(形状)

近义词, 同义词


/fɔ:'meɪʃn; fɔr`meʃən/
1 [U] organizing and developing (of sth) (某事物的)组织, 形成, 构成
*the formation of a new government 新政府的组成
* the formation of national character 民族特性的形成.
2 [C] thing that is formed, esp in a particular or characteristic way 形成物(尤指结构特殊的); 结构
*cloud, rock formations 云层、岩层
* new word formations 新词的构成.
3 [U] particular arrangement or pattern 编排; 编队; 队形
*aircraft flying in formation 编队飞行的飞机
* [attrib 作定语] for`mation flying 编队飞行.


the process of starting a new organization or group
= creationformation of
 the formation of a new government
the process by which something develops into a particular thing or shape
formation of
 the substances which lead to the formation of ozone
 We now know a lot more about the early stages of planetary formation.
the way in which a group of things are arranged to form a pattern or shape
 troop formations
in formation
if a group of planes, ships, soldiers etc are moving in formation, they are flying, marching etc in a particular order or pattern
 a squadron of aircraft, flying in formation
[U and C]
rock or cloud that is formed in a particular shape, or the shape in which it is formed
rock/cloud formation
 the canyon's impressive rock formations
[U and C]technical
society, politics etc seen as a system of practices and beliefs
social/political/cultural etc formation
 Marx founded a new science: the science of the history of social formations.
1. The cloud formation covered the sun.

2. Or protect them from sharks by surrounding them in defensive formation.

3. His studies with rats have demonstrated two primary effects of activity: vigorous physical exercise provides the brain with more fuel, and skill-based exercise increases the formation of connections in the brain, which, according to the proposals of
