

美音:[hi:v ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[hi:v ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.举起 n.举起




名词:heaver 动词过去式:heaved 过去分词:heaved 现在分词:heaving 第三人称单数:heaves

近义词, 同义词

propel  impel  project  throw  fling  cast  pitch  chuck  toss  heave  hurl  flirt  ejaculate  send  send off  fire off  discharge  shoot  launch  releaseheighten  elevate  raise  lift  erect  set up  stick up  rear  hoist  heave  uplift  buoy  exalt  sublimate    


billow  bulge  drag  haul  hoist  lift  lug  pant  pull  raise  rise  surge  swell  tow  tug    


/hi:v; hiv/
v (pt, pp heaved or, esp in nautical use, hove / hEUv; hov/亦作hove / hEUv; hov/, 尤作航海用语)
1 (a) [Tn.pr, Tn.p] lift or drag (sth heavy) with great effort (用力)举起, 提升, 拖动, 拉动(重物)
*We heaved the wardrobe up the stairs. 我们用力把衣柜搬上楼了.
(b) [I, Ipr] ~ (at/on sth) pull (at a rope, etc) 拉(绳等)
*heave (away) at the capstan 转动绞盘
* `Heave ho!' cried the sailors as they raised the anchor. `用力绞呀!' 水手们起锚时吆喝道.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] (infml 口) throw (esp sth heavy) 扔(尤指重物)
*heave a brick through a window 把砖从窗口扔过去
* heave sth overboard 把某物抛到船外.
3 [Tn] utter (sth) with effort (口中用力)发出(声音)
*heave a sigh of relief/a groan 如释重负地舒一口气[发出呻吟声].
4 [I] rise and fall regularly (有规律地)起伏, 升降
*his heaving chest 他那起伏的胸部.
5 [I, Ip] ~ (up) be violently sick; vomit 恶心; 呕吐.
6 (idm 习语) ,heave in `sight become visible 进入视野
*A ship hove in sight. 一艘船出现了.
7 (phr v) ,heave (sth) `to (of a ship) stop; cause (a ship) to stop without anchoring or mooring (指船)停住; 使(船)停住(未下锚亦未使用系绳)
*The vessel/We hove to. 船[我们(这艘船)]停了.
* We hove the vessel to. 我们把船停住了.

n [C, U] (act of) heaving 举; 提; 拖; 拉; 扔; 起伏; 升降
*with a mighty heave, ie a strong pull or throw 猛地一拉(或使劲一扔)
* the steady heave of the waves 波浪不停的起伏.