

美音:[´ımpəls ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´ımpəls ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.推动,刺激,冲动,推动力 vt.推动


impulse为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5343


pel,puls=to drive(驾驶)

近义词, 同义词


compulsion  fancy  flash  inspiration  notion  pressure  push  thrust  urge    


/'ɪmpʌls; `ɪmpʌls/
1 (a) [C] ~ (to do sth) sudden urge to act without thinking about the results 凭冲动行事(未顾及後果); 突如其来的念头
*He felt an irresistible impulse to jump. 他突然有个无法抗拒的冲动, 想跳下去.
* check/curb/resist an impulse 抑制[约束/遏止]冲动.
(b) [U] tendency to act in this way 好冲动行事
*a man of impulse 易冲动的人.
2 [C] push or thrust; stimulus; impetus 推动; 冲力; 刺激; 推动力
*give an impulse to industrial expansion 促进工业的扩展.
3 [C] stimulating force in a nerve or an electric circuit that causes a reaction 神经冲动; 电路脉冲
*nerve impulses神经冲动.
4 (idm 习语) on impulse suddenly and without previous thinking or planning 一时冲动
*On impulse, I picked up the phone and rang my sister in Australia. 我一时心血来潮, 拿起话筒就给在澳大利亚的妹妹打了个电话.


[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Latin;Origin: impulsus, from the past participle of impellere; IMPEL]
[U and C]
a sudden strong desire to do something without thinking about whether it is a sensible thing to do
= urgeimpulse to do sth
 a sudden impulse to laugh
 Marge's first impulse was to run.
 Gerry couldn't resist the impulse to kiss her.
on impulse
 On impulse, I picked up the phone and rang her.
 Most beginners buy plants on impulse and then hope for the best.
impulse buying/shopping
(=when you buy things that you had not planned to buy)
a short electrical signal that travels in one direction along a nerve or wire
 The eye converts light signals to nerve impulses.
a reason or aim that causes a particular kind of activity or behaviour
 It is the passions which provide the main impulse of music.
1. He felt an irresistible impulse to jump.
    他突然有个无法抗拒的冲动, 想跳下去.

2. Her first impulse was to go round all the rooms looking for the thieves,

3. Acting on a sudden impulse, I collected several dozen, put them in a paper bag, and took them to Robert.

4. 4. Impulse Control.
