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英音:[ıntʃ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


inch为高中词汇   词频:2105


动词过去式:inched 过去分词:inched 现在分词:inching 第三人称单数:inches

近义词, 同义词


/ɪntʃ; ɪntʃ/
1 (abbr 缩写 in) measure of length equal to 2.54 cm or one twelfth of a foot 英寸(1英尺等于12英寸, 1英寸等于2.54厘米)
*a pile of books
12 inches high 一摞厚达12英寸的书. =>App 4,5 见附录4、5.
2 small amount or distance 少量; 短距离
*He escaped death by an inch. 他险些丧了命.
* We argued for an hour but he wouldn't budge (ie change his attitude or ideas) an inch. 我们争论了一个钟头, 但他毫无回旋余地.
3 amount of rain or snow that would cover a surface one inch deep (一英寸厚的)降雨或降雪量
*Three inches of rain fell in Manchester last night. 曼彻斯特市昨夜降雨三英寸.
4 (idm 习语) by inches only just 差一点儿; 险些儿; 几乎
*The car missed me by inches. 那辆汽车差一点儿撞着我. every inch
(a) the whole area 整个地方
*The police examined every inch of the house for clues. 警方为寻找线索彻底检查了整所房子.
(b) completely; entirely 完全地; 整个地
*He looked every inch a gentleman. 他看上去完全是正人君子. ,give sb an `inch (and he'll ,take a `mile/`yard) (saying 谚) if you surrender a little to sb, he will increase his demands greatly 得寸进尺. ,inch by `inch very slowly and in small steps; by degrees 慢慢地; 逐步地; 一点一点地
*They climbed the steep mountain inch by inch. 他们一点一点地攀上那座陡峭的山. within an inch of sth/doing sth very close to sth/doing sth 对某事物[做某事]间不容发; 差一点儿
*He came within an inch of being killed. 他差一点儿被弄死. > inch v [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (sth) forward, past, through, etc (sth) move (sth) slowly and carefully in the specified direction 使(某物)朝某方向慢慢移动
*inch the car forward 开车慢慢前行
* He inched (his way) through the narrow passage. 他慢慢地穿过狭窄的通道.


Benjamin Roy Winch (born Adelaide, 1973) is an Australian writer and musician.
1. A millionth of an inch is an infinitesimal length.

2. At the moment, they cover every inch of floor space and I actually have to walk on them to get in or out of the room.

3. And then he also made the mistake of drinking not one but two frosted glasses full, while everybody else had a half-inch "just for taste."
    接着他又犯了个错误:他喝了不是一杯,而是满满两大毛玻璃杯的葡萄酒,而其他人的杯子里都只有半英寸高的酒, "只是尝尝而已。"

4. Polly was proud of the fact that every inch of her apartment was touched by human hand at least twice a year.
