

美音:[pə:tʃ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[pə:tʃ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.栖木,人所居的高位,有利的地位,杆,河鲈 v.(使)栖息,就位,位于




动词过去式:perched 过去分词:perched 现在分词:perching 第三人称单数:perches 名词复数:perch

近义词, 同义词

be  exist  be present  attend  remain  occur  lie  stand  occupy  people  inhabit  dwell  reside  stay  sojourn  live  abide  lodge  nestle  roost  perch  be locatedbe high  tower  soar  command  hover  hover over  fly over  orbit  be in orbit  cap  culminate  overhang  hang over  impend  mount  perch  surmount  cover  rise  ascend    


rest  settle  sit  straddle    


/pɜ:tʃ; pɝtʃ/ n
1 (a) place where a bird rests, eg a branch 鸟类的栖息处(如树枝).
(b) bar or rod for this purpose, eg in a bird-cage or hen-roost (作此用途的)棍, 杆(如鸟笼或鸡窝中的).
2 (infml 口) high seat or position 高座; 高位
*He watched the game from his perch on top of the wall. 他在墙头居高临下看比赛.
3 (also pole, rod) measure of length equal to
5 yds or 5.03 metres, used esp for land 杆(长度单位, 等于5码或5.03米, 尤用以丈量土地). =>App
5 见附录5.
4 (idm 习语) knock sb off his pedestal/perch => knock.

1 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) (of a bird) come to rest or stay (on a branch, etc) (指鸟)栖息, 停留(枝上等)
*The birds perched on the television aerial. 鸟停在电视天线上.
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) (of a person) sit, esp on sth high or narrow (指人)坐着(尤指坐在高处或窄物上)
*perch on high stools at the bar 坐在酒吧的高凳上
* perch dangerously on a narrow ledge 坐在狭窄的边缘上, 十分危险
* perch on the edge of one's seat 坐在座位的边上.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] place (sth), esp in a high or dangerous position 将(某物)置于尤指高处或危险处
*a hut perched at the edge of the cliff 悬崖边上的小舍
* perch a beret on the side of one's head 歪戴贝雷帽
* a castle perched above the river 临河而建的城堡.

/pɜ:tʃ; pɝtʃ/
n (pl unchanged 复数不变) any of several types of freshwater fish with spiny fins, eaten as food 鲈.
1. The bird took its perch on a tree branch.
