

美音:[´ʃeltə ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´ʃeltə ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.掩蔽处,身避处,掩蔽,保护,庇护所,掩体 v.掩蔽,躲避


shelter为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4133


形容词:shelterless 名词:shelterer 动词过去式:sheltered 过去分词:sheltered 现在分词:sheltering 第三人称单数:shelters

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cover  defend  guard  harbor  hide  protect  screen  shield    


/'ʃeltə(r); `ʃɛltɚ/
1 [U] ~ (from sth) condition of being protected, kept safe, etc, eg from rain, danger, attack; refuge 遮蔽, 庇护(如避雨、脱险、免受攻击等)
*seek/take shelter from the rain, eg under a tree 避雨(如在树下)
* get under shelter, eg when bombs are dropping during an air-raid 隐蔽起来(如在空袭时)
* They found shelter from the storm in a barn. 他们在谷仓里躲避暴风雨.
* The high fence gives/affords (us) some shelter from the wind. 这道高栅栏(给我们)挡住了风.
2 [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词)
(a) structure built to give protection, esp from rain, wind or attack 遮蔽物, 庇护物(尤指避雨、避风或免受攻击者)
*a `bus shelter, ie one in which people wait for buses 公共汽车站的候车亭
* an `air-raid shelter 防空掩蔽所.
(b) building providing refuge, esp for homeless people 收容所(尤指为无家可归的人提供的).

1 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (from sb/sth) give shelter to sb/sth; protect sb/sth 给某人[某物]提供庇护处; 保护某人[某事物]
*trees that shelter a house from the wind 给房子挡风的树
* shelter (ie hide, protect) an escaped prisoner 窝藏逃犯
* The wall sheltered the soldiers from gunfire. 这堵墙挡住了攻击士兵的炮火.
* He is trying to shelter his boss from criticism. 他极力为老板顶住外界的批评.
* Is our country's industry sheltered from foreign competition? 我国的工业在与外国竞争时是否有足够保障?
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (from sth) find a place that gives shelter; take shelter 躲避; 避难
*shelter under the trees 躲在树下
* shelter from the rain 避雨. sheltered adj
1 (of a place) not exposed to wind, rain, etc (指地方)可避风、雨等的
*find a sheltered spot for a picnic 找个有遮蔽的地方野餐.
2 kept away from or not exposed to unhappiness or harmful influences 与不幸的或有害的事物隔绝的; 不受坏事影响的
*a sheltered childhood 未受到坏事物影响的童年时代
* He has led a sheltered life in the countryside. 他在乡村生活, 避免了很多烦恼.


a British charity organization that helps people who are homeless (=do not have a home to live in)
1. But with 188 million people, the country is now struggling to provide enough food, shelter, and employment for its people.

2. This shelter was supported by four posts.

3. They built a primitive shelter out of tree trunks.

4. They found shelter from the storm in a barn.

5. There is a quotation from a battered women's shelter that I especially like:

6. He knew that the time had come for him to look for shelter.

7. Often a valley boasted no inn at all, and climbers found shelter wherever they could

8. For years prison had been his shelter during the winter.
