

美音:[streı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[streı ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.迷路,偏离,漂泊,漂泊游荡 adj.迷路的,离群的,偶遇的




名词:strayer 动词过去式:strayed 过去分词:strayed 现在分词:straying 第三人称单数:strays

近义词, 同义词


drift  gad  meander  ramble  roam  rove  straggle  wander    


/streɪ; stre/
v [I, Ipr, Ip]
1 move away from one's group, proper place, etc with no fixed destination or purpose; wander 离群, 走离(无固定去向或目的); 走失; 迷失; 闲逛
*Some of the cattle have strayed. 有些牛走失了.
* stray into the path of an oncoming car 偏离车道而误入逆向行驶的汽车道
* Young children should not be allowed to stray from their parents. 不要让儿童离开父母到处乱跑.
* He had strayed from home while still a boy. 他小时候就离开家到处流浪了.
2 deviate from a direct course or leave a subject 偏离; 背离; 离题
*My mind kept straying from the discussion (to other things). 我在讨论时总是走神(去想别的事情).
* Don't stray (away) from the point. 不要离题.

adj [attrib 作定语]
1 having strayed; lost 离群的; 走失的; 迷失的; 闲逛的; 偏离的
*a home for stray dogs 走失的狗的收容处
* (fig 比喻) Stray papers littered his desk. 他的书桌上都是乱七八糟的纸.
2 occurring here and there, not as one of a group; isolated 零星的; 散乱的; 孤立的
*killed by a stray bullet, ie by chance, not on purpose 被流弹击毙
* The streets were empty except for a few stray passers-by. 除了寥寥几个行人外, 街上空空如也.

(a) person or domestic animal that has strayed 迷路的人; 流浪者; 走失的家畜
*This dog must be a stray. 这只狗一定是找不着家了. Cf 参看 waif.
(b) thing that is out of its proper place or separated from others of the same kind 不在原处的东西; 不与同类在一起的事物.
1. Only two stray dogs benefited from all this confusion, for they greedily devoured what was left of the cake.
