

美音:[´wə:rı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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n.烦恼,忧虑,苦恼,撕咬 vt.使烦恼,使焦虑,使苦恼,撕咬,困扰,折磨 vi.烦恼,担心,撕咬,挣扎着前进


worry为中学词汇   词频:3795


名词复数:worries 名词:worrier 动词过去式:worried 过去分词:worried 现在分词:worrying 第三人称单数:worries

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/'wʌrɪ; `wʌrɪ/
v (pt, pp worried)
1 [I, Ipr] ~ (about sb/sth) be anxious (about sb, difficulties, the future, etc) (对某人、困难、前途等)担忧, 担心, 发愁
*`Don't worry,' she said, putting an arm round his shoulder. `别发愁了,'她边说边用手臂搂住他的肩膀.
* Don't worry if you can't finish it. 你做不完也不必担心.
* Your parents are worrying about you
*do write to them. 你父母正担心你呢, 快给他们写封信吧.
* There's nothing to worry about. 没什么可愁的.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/oneself (about sb/sth) make sb/oneself anxious or troubled (about sb/sth) (对某人[某事物])使某人[自己]担忧、担心或发愁
*What worries me is how he will manage now his wife's died. 他妻子死了, 我担心的是他可怎么办.
* I don't want to worry you, but... 我不想让你担心, 但是...
* She worried herself sick/She was worried sick about her missing son. 她儿子失踪可把她愁坏了.
* Many people are worried by the possibility of a nuclear accident. 许多人都很担心怕可能发生核事故.
* It worries me that they haven't answered my letters. 他们一直没给我回信, 叫人担心.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (with sth) annoy or disturb sb; bother sb 烦扰或打扰某人; 打搅某人
*Don't worry her now; she's busy. 现在别打扰她, 她正忙着呢.
* The noise doesn't seem to worry them. 这种嘈声好像并不影响他们.
4 [Tn] (esp of a dog) seize (sth) with the teeth and shake or pull it about (尤指狗)叼住(某物)甩或拉
*The dog was worrying a rat. 那条狗撕咬着一只老鼠.
5 (idm 习语) ,not to `worry (infml 口) do not worry; let us not worry 别担心; 咱们不必发愁
*We've missed the train, but not to worry, there's another one in ten minutes. 我们没赶上火车, 但是别着急, 十分钟後还有一趟呢.

1 [U] state of being worried; anxiety 担忧; 担心; 忧愁
*Worry and illness had made him prematurely old. 他心事重重、疾病缠身, 落得个未老先衰.
2 [C] thing that causes one to worry; cause of anxiety 令人担忧的事物; 忧愁的根源
*He has a lot of financial worries at the moment. 他现在有很多财务上的烦恼事.
* Forget your worries and enjoy yourself! 不要想那些愁事, 痛快痛快吧!
3 [C usu sing 通常作单数] thing that sb is responsible for 某人负责的事情
*Transport? That's your worry! 交通问题? 那是你负责的事!
1. Before we had time to worry about what might happen, we were back on the plain again.

2. But this does not worry me.

3. C.You decide to enjoy the car and to worry about the added expense later.

4. But they reasoned that it would be worth it if their children got into private schools early and did not have to worry about passing examinations later on.

5. Worry is a spasm of the emotion; the mind catches hold of something and will not let it go.

6. He sends you his love and says you mustn´t worry.

7. Don´t worry about such improbabilities as floods and earthquakes.
    像洪水、 地震这类不大可能发生的事, 就不要担心了.

8. Don´t let that worry you.

9. A.You worry about the added problems your good luck will bring.

10. Don't worry. Just sign up for the language course offered by a school in another district or city, have the latest edition of the course teaching materials sent to your computer, and attend by video.
