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companion为高中词汇   词频:3017


动词过去式:companioned 过去分词:companioned 现在分词:companioning 第三人称单数:companions



近义词, 同义词


accompanist  buddy  chum  comrade  friend  pal  partner  antagonist  enemy    


/kəm'pænɪən; kəm`pænjən/
1 (a) person or animal that goes with, or spends much time with, another (相伴的)人或动物; 同伴; 伙伴
*my companions on the journey 我的旅伴
* A dog is a faithful companion. 狗是忠实的伙伴.
* (fig 比喻) Fear was the hostage's constant companion. 恐惧的心情始终缠绕着人质.
(b) person who shares in the work, pleasures, misfortunes, etc of another 与另一人共事、同甘共苦等的人
*companions in arms, ie fellow soldiers 战友
* companions in misfortune, ie people suffering together 共患难的人.
(c) person with similar tastes, interests, etc 有共同兴趣、爱好等的人
*She's an excellent companion. 她是个好伴侣.
* They're `drinking companions. 他们是酒友.
* His brother is not much of a companion for him. 他哥哥和他志趣不大相投.
2 person employed to live with another (esp sb old or ill) as a friend 受雇的陪伴人(如朋友般与雇主, 尤指老人或病人, 一起生活者)
*to take a post as a ,paid com`panion 受雇作陪伴人.
3 one of a matching pair or set of things (成双、成对或成套的)物品之一
*[attrib 作定语] The companion volume will soon be published. 这卷书的姊妹篇即将问世.
4 (used in book titles 用于书的题目) handbook; reference book 手册; 参考书
*the ,Gardener's Com`panion 《园艺指南》.
5 Companion member of certain distinguished orders (order1 10a) 有某等勋位的人
*Com,panion of `Honour 勋爵.
6 (idm 习语) a boon companion => boon2.


[Date: 1200-1300; Language: Old French;Origin: compagnon, from Late Latin companio, from Latin com- ( COM-) + panis 'bread, food']
someone you spend a lot of time with, especially a friend
 For ten years he had been her constant companion .
 His dog became his closest companion .
 a travelling companion
dinner/drinking companion
one of a pair of things that go together or can be used together
companion to
 This book is a companion to Professor Farrer's first work.
companion volume/piece etc
 The Encyclopedia of Gardening is a companion volume to the Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers.
used in the titles of books about a particular subject
 A Companion to Japanese Literature
someone, especially a woman, who is paid to live or travel with an older person
1. That evening my Chinese companion and I climbed into a chartered van to go to dinner and a show,

2. He waved desperately to his companion, who had been water- skiing for the last fifteen minutes.

3. He waved desperately to his companion, who had been water skiing for the last fifteen minutes.

4. A dog is a faithful companion.

5. At such times he was a most delightful companion, full of wit and humour, with a laugh that came straight from the heart.

6. (A companion study showed girls' popularity with their peers was also related to the popularity of their names — although the connection was less clear for boys.)

7. Upon returning, I told my companion, "You've been invited backstage."

8. Leonov and his companion, Beliaiev, began making preparations for the historic walk shortly after their flight began.
    列昂诺夫和他的同伴别利亚耶夫在起飞之后不久, 就开始为这次历史性的漫步进行工作了.

9. Listen to him: “I never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude.”

10. I had just noticed the place and had turned to my companion, saying, "I've never seen this store. Let's go in."
