

美音:[kənf´ju:z ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[kənf´ju:z ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


confuse为短语/超纲词汇   词频:2801


副词:confusingly 动词过去式:confused 过去分词:confused 现在分词:confusing 第三人称单数:confuses


fuse=to pour(倾;倒) 变化型 found

近义词, 同义词


complicate  jumble  mistake  mix-up  muddle  calm  compose  quiet  soothe    


/kən'fju:z; kən`fjuz/
1 [Tn usu passive 通常用于被动语态] make (sb) unable to think clearly; puzzle; bewilder 把(某人)弄糊涂; 使迷惑; 使为难
*They confused me by asking so many questions. 他们提了一大堆问题, 把我都弄糊涂了.
2 [Tn] put (sth) into disorder; upset 把(某事物)搞乱; 打乱
*Her unexpected arrival confused all our plans. 她突然来到把我们所有的计划全打乱了.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ A and/with B mistake one person or thing for another 把此人或此物误当作彼人或彼物; 混淆
*I always confuse the sisters
*they look so alike.我总是分不出这对姐妹, 她们看上去简直一模一样.
* Don't confuse Austria and/with Australia. 不要把奥地利跟澳大利亚弄混淆了.
* This construction should not be confused with the regular passive. 这种句法结构不可与按规则变化的被动语态相混淆.
4 [Tn] make (sth) unclear; muddle 使(某事物)模糊不清; 使含糊
*a confused argument 自相矛盾的论点
* Don't confuse the issue, eg by introducing irrelevant topics. 不要把问题搅乱(如提出无关的话题).


v [T]
[Date: 1800-1900; Origin: confused]
to make someone feel that they cannot think clearly or do not understand
 I understand the text but the diagrams are confusing me.
to think wrongly that a person or thing is someone or something else
 People might well confuse the two products.
confuse sb/sth with sb/sth
 I always confuse you with your sister - you look so alike.
 Donald Regan, not to be confused with former President Ronald Reagan
confuse the issue/matter/argument etc
to make it even more difficult to think clearly about a situation or problem or to deal with it
 He kept asking unnecessary questions which only confused the issue.
1. Don´t confuse the concepts of the two words.
