

美音:[lɔdʒ ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[lɔdʒ ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.门房,(猎人住的)山林小屋,(游览区的)旅馆,(地方社团的)集会处 vi.临时住宿,寄宿(某人家) vt.容纳,寄存,把...射入,存放,(向有关当局)提出(声明)


lodge为短语/超纲词汇   词频:5197


动词过去式:lodged 过去分词:lodged 现在分词:lodging 第三人称单数:lodges

近义词, 同义词

place  situate  locate  localize  make a place for  put  lay  set  seat  station  lodge  quarter  post  install  house  stow  establish  fix  lay down  deposit  moor  tetherbe  exist  be present  attend  remain  occur  lie  stand  occupy  people  inhabit  dwell  reside  stay  sojourn  live  abide  lodge  nestle  roost  perch  be located    


dwell  inhabit  live  occupy  reside  room  stay    


/lɒdʒ; lɑdʒ/
1 small house at the gates of a park or in the grounds of a large house, occupied by a gate-keeper or other employee (公园或大宅第中看门人的)房子; 下房.
2 country house or cabin for use in certain seasons (某季节中使用的)乡间小舍
*a `hunting /`fishing/ `skiing lodge 打猎[钓鱼/滑雪]时用的小屋.
3 porter's room at the main entrance to a block of flats, college, factory, etc (公寓、学院、工厂等的)门房.
4 members or meeting-place of a branch of a society such as the Freemasons 会社(如共济会)支部的全体会员; 支部会员集会处.
5 beaver's or otter's lair (海狸或水獭的)巢穴.
6 N American Indian dwelling or household (北美印第安人的)住处, 住家.

/lɒdʒ; lɑdʒ/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr] provide (sb) with a place to sleep or live in for a time 供(某人)以临时住宿处
*The refugees are being lodged in an old army camp. 难民暂时安置在一座旧军营里.
2 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sb/at...) live for payment in sb's house 租住某人的房屋
*Where are you lodging? 你在哪里寄宿?
* I'm lodging at Mrs Brown's (house)/with Mrs Brown. 我在布朗太太家寄宿.
3 [Ipr, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) in sth (cause sth to) enter and become fixed in sth (使某物)进入并固定于某处
*The bullet (was) lodged in his brain. 子弹射入他的脑内.
4 [Tn.pr] ~ sth with sb/in sth leave (money, etc) with sb/in sth for safety 将(钱等)交付某人保管, 寄存某处
*lodge one's valuables in the bank 把贵重物品存放在银行里.
5 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sb) (against sb) present (a statement, etc) to the proper authorities for attention 向负责部门提出(某事)
*lodge a complaint with the police against one's neighbours 向警方告邻居的状
* lodge an appeal, a protest, an objection, etc 提出上诉、抗议、反对意见等.
1. Soon they departed, in a borrowed car. With money loaned by the groom's brother, they could afford a honeymoon at a state-park lodge.

2. I determined to lodge a complaint as soon as we arrived.

3. I determined to lodge a complaint as soon as we arrived.
