

美音:[smæk ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[smæk ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.滋味,风味,少量,拍击 v.带有...风味,用掌击,拍打




动词过去式:smacked 过去分词:smacked 现在分词:smacking 第三人称单数:smacks

近义词, 同义词

atom  particle  molecule  corpuscle  point  speck  dot  mote  jot  iota  minutiae  details  look  thought  idea  soupcon  dab  whit  shade  shadow  spark  scintilla  gleam  touch  cast  grain  granule  globule  drop  droplet  sprinkling  dash  smack  tinge  inch  patch  mite  bit  morsel  crumb  seed  snip  snippet  snack  slip  chip  clipping  sliver  paring  shaving  hair  nutshell tinge  tincture  touch  seasoning  sprinkling  dash  smack  sprinkling  spice  seasoning  infusion  soupcon    


crack  hit  kiss  slap  strike  whack    


/smæk; smæk/
1 [C]
(a) (sound of a) blow given with the open hand; slap 掌击(声); 掴
*give a child a smack on the bottom 给小孩屁股上一巴掌.
(b) (usu sing 通常作单数) loud sound of the lips being parted 嘴唇张开时发出的声音
*a greedy smack of the lips as he cut into the steak 他切牛排时馋得嘴唇一张发出的声音.
(c) [C] (infml 口) loud kiss 出声的吻; 响吻
*a smack on the lips/cheek 在嘴唇[面颊]上的响吻.
2 [C usu sing 通常作单数] blow; hit 打; 击
*give the ball a hard smack, eg with a bat in cricket 用力击球(如用板球棒).
3 [U] (sl 俚 esp Brit) heroin 海洛因.
4 (idm 习语) a smack at sth/doing sth (infml 口) attempt at doing sth 试做某事物
*have a smack at making an omelette 试做煎蛋.

v [Tn]
1 strike (sb) with the open hand; slap 用掌击(某人); 掴
*Don't you dare smack my children! 你敢掴我的孩子!
2 (idm 习语) lick/smack one's lips/chops => lick.

1 in a sudden and violent way 突然而猛烈地
*run smack into a brick wall 猛然撞在砖墙上
* hit sb smack in the eye 猛然打在某人的眼部.
2 (US `smack-dab) directly; squarely 直接地; 恰好
*It landed smack(-dab) in the middle of the carpet. 那东西正好落在地毯的中央.

/smæk; smæk/
n small sailing-boat for fishing 捕鱼的小帆船.

/smæk; smæk/
v (phr v) smack of sth (no passive 不用于被动语态)
1 have a slight flavour of sth 微带某味
*medicine that smacks of sulphur 微带硫磺味的药.
2 suggest that sb has unpleasant attitudes or qualities 显示某人有令人不快的态度或品性
*Their comments smack of racism. 他们的评论有点种族偏见的味道.

n [sing] ~ of sth
1 slight flavour of sth 某物的轻微之味
*a smack of garlic 一点大蒜味.
2 suggestion; hint 微含某意; 暗示
*There was a smack of malice in her reply. 她回答中含有恶意.