

美音:[tekst ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[tekst ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


text为中学词汇   词频:1007


text=to weave(编织)

近义词, 同义词


issue  point  problem  proposition  question  subject  theme  thesis  topic    


/tekst; tɛkst/
1 [U] main written or printed part of a book or page (contrasted with notes, diagrams, illustrations, etc) (书或书页的)正文, 本文(与注释、图表、插图等相对)
*too much text and not enough pictures 文字太多而插图太少
* The index refers the reader to pages in the text. 书的索引为读者列出了正文中的页数.
2 [C] original words of an author, document, etc (contrasted with later revisions, shortened versions, etc)(作者、文件等的)原文
*the full text of the Prime Minister'sspeech 首相讲话的全文
* the problems of establishing the text of `King Lear' 考证《李尔王》原文所遇到的问题
* a corrupt text, eg one altered by mistakes in copying 异文(如因抄写错误而造成的).
3 [C] sentence or short passage from the Bible, etc used as the subject of a sermon or discussion (引自《圣经》等的)文句(用作讲道的或讨论的题目)
*I take as my text... 我要讲的经文是....
4 [C] book, play, etc prescribed for study or as part of a syllabus (指定要学的或定为教学大纲内容的)书、戏剧等
*`Hamlet' is a set text for A level this year. 《哈姆雷特》是今年高级程度考试中指定的必读书.


Formatted text, styled text or rich text, as opposed to plain text, has styling information beyond the minimum of semantic elements: colours, styles (boldface, italic), sizes and special features (such as hyperlinks).
1. There are many illustrations in the text book.

2. You can refer to the notes that elucidate the text.

3. You can get a theoretical knowledge of farming from text books.

4. Please put the insertion into the text.

5. Read the text.

6. On turning eagerly to the text, one learns that the lady was a typist who found the sound of office typewriters worried her more and more until eventually she had to go into a mental hospital.

7. Let´s read the text.

8. Illustrations throw light on the text.
