

美音:[gu:d ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[gu:d ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.好,好事,慷慨的行为,好处,利益 adj.优良的,上等的,虔诚的,愉快的,慈善的,好心的,有益的


good为小学词汇   词频:968

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advantage  excellent  fine  fitting  friendly  kind  nice  proper  real  right  satisfying  suitable  awkward  bad  badness  clumsy  evil  harmful  illness  poor  unskillful  wrong    


/gʊd; ˇud/
adj (better / 5betE(r); `bZtL/, best /best; bZst/)
1 of high quality; of an acceptable standard; satisfactory 好的; 优质的; 符合标准的; 令人满意的
*a good lecture, performance, harvest 好的演讲、表演、收成
* good pronunciation, behaviour, eyesight 好的发音、行为、视力
* a good (eg sharp) knife 快的刀
* Is the light good enough to take photographs? 光线适合照相吗?
* The car has very good brakes. 这辆汽车的刹车很灵.
* Her English is very good. 她的英语很好.
2 (a) ~ (at sth) (often used with names of occupations or with ns derived from vs 常与职业名称或动词派生的名词连用) able to perform satisfactorily; competent 表现令人满意的; 有能力的
*a good teacher, hairdresser, poet, etc 优秀的教师、理发师、诗人等
* good at mathematics, languages, describing things 擅长数学、语言、叙事
* a good loser, ie one who doesn't complain when he loses 输得起的人.
(b) [pred 作表语] ~ with sth/sb capable when using, dealing with, etc sth/sb 善于使用某物、处事、待人或用人
*good with one's hands, eg able to draw, make things, etc 手巧(如会画、会做东西等)
* He's very good with children, ie can look after them well, amuse them, etc. 他很会照看孩子.
3 (a) morally acceptable; virtuous 有道德的; 高尚的
*a good deed 合乎道德的行为
* try to lead a good life 努力过高尚的生活.
(b) (esp of a child) well-behaved (尤指儿童)守规矩的, 乖的
*Try to be a good girl. 要做个乖女孩.
4 ~ (to sb) willing to help others; kind 乐于助人的; 好心的; 仁慈的
*You were a good girl to help in the shop. 你帮店里干活儿, 是个好姑娘.
* He was very good to me when I was ill. 我生病时他帮了我的大忙.
* Would you be good enough to carry this for me? 劳驾给我拿着这个行吗?
5 pleasant; agreeable; welcome 快乐的; 愉快的; 随和的; 令人喜悦的
*The firm has had good times and bad times. 这公司经历过顺境和逆境.
* What good weather we're having! 天气多好哇!
* Have you heard the good news about my award? 你听到我获奖的好消息了吗?
* It's good to be home again. 重返家园, 令人快慰.
6 (of food) fit to be eaten; not yet rotting or rotten (指食物)适合食用的, 未腐败的
*good eggs, fruit, etc 新鲜的鸡蛋、水果等
* Separate the good meat from the bad. 把鲜肉和腐肉分开.
7 [usu attrib 通常作定语] not diseased; healthy; strong 无病的; 健康的; 强健的
*good teeth and bones 健康的牙齿和骨骼
* Would you speak into my good ear, I can't hear in the other one. 请对着我这只没毛病的耳朵说, 那只耳朵听不见.
8 (of money) not fake or false; genuine (指钱)非伪造的, 真的
*This note is counterfeit, but that one's good. 这张钞票是假的, 那张是真的.
* (fig 比喻) I gave good money for that camera, and it turned out to be worthless. 我买那架照相机可真花了一大笔钱, 结果却不能用.
9 [attrib 作定语] (of clothes, etc) used only for more formal or important occasions (指衣服等)仅用于庄重的或重要的场合的
*My one good suit is at the cleaner's. 我那套讲究的衣服还在洗衣店里呢.
* Wear your good clothes to go to church. 要穿上像样的衣服去做礼拜.
10 [attrib 作定语] thorough; complete; sound 彻底的; 完全的; 着实的
*give sb a good beating, scolding, telling-off, etc 给某人一顿痛打、痛骂、痛斥等
* go for a good long walk 好好地散散步
* We had a good laugh at that. 那件事情叫我们笑个痛快.
11 [usu attrib 通常作定语] amusing 有趣的; 好玩的
*a good story, joke, etc 有趣的故事、笑话等
* `That's a good one!' she said, laughing loudly. `这个真有意思!'她大笑着说.
12 ~ (for sb/sth) beneficial; wholesome 有益的; 有益健康的
*the good (ie clean, refreshing) mountain air 山中清新的空气
* Is this kind of food good for me? 这种食物对我身体有益吗?
* Sunshine is good for your plants. 你的花草要多晒太阳.
* This cream is good for (ie soothes and heals) burns. 这种油膏治烧伤和烫伤很管事儿.
13 ~ (for sth/to do sth) suitable; appropriate 适合的; 相宜的
*a good time for buying a house/to buy a house 买房子的适当时机
* This beach is good for swimming but bad for surfing. 这个海滨适于游泳而不适于冲浪.
* She would be good for the job. 她做这工作很合适.
14 ~ for sth
(a) (of a person or his credit) such that he will be able to repay (a sum lent) (指人或其信贷)有偿还(借款)能力的
*He/His credit is good for 5000. 他[凭他信用]可获贷款5000英镑.
(b) having the necessary energy, fitness, durability, etc 有必要的精力、健康条件、忍耐力等的
*You're good for (ie will live) a few years yet. 你还能活几年呢.
* This car's good for many more miles. 这辆汽车还能行驶很多英里.
(c) valid for sth 有效的
*The return half of the ticket is good for three months. 回程票三个月内有效.
15 (used in greetings 用于问候)
*Good morning/afternoon/evening! 你好!
16 (fml 文) (used as a polite, but more often patronizing, form of address or description 用作敬称或客气的描述, 但多含屈尊俯就之意)
*my good sir, man, friend, etc 我的好先生、好人、好朋友等
* How is your good lady (ie your wife) ? 尊夫人好吗?
17 [attrib 作定语] (used as a form of praise 用作赞语)
*Good old Fred! 忠厚的弗雷德!
* Good man! That's just what I wanted. 好心人! 那正是我想要的.
18 [attrib 作定语] (used in exclamations 用于感叹句)
*Good Heavens! 天哪!
* Good God! 上帝呀!
19 (with a与a连用) [attrib 作定语]
(a) great in number, quantity, etc (数目、数量等)很大的, 很多的
*a good many people 很多人
* We've come a good (ie long) way/distance. 我们是远道而来的.
(b) (used with expressions of measurement, quantity, etc 与表示量度、数量等的短语连用) not less than; rather more than 不少于; 稍多于
*We waited for a good hour. 我们足足等了一小时.
* It's a good three miles to the station. 离车站至少三英里.
* She ate a good half of the cake. 那个蛋糕她整整吃了一半.
20 (idm 习语) as good as almost; practically 几乎; 实际上
*He as good as said I'm a liar, ie suggested that I was a liar without actually using the word `liar'. 他无异于说我撒谎(只是未用`撒谎'一词罢了.
* The matter is as good as settled. 这事等于解决了. good and... (infml 口) completely 完全; 彻底
*I won't go until I'm good and ready. 我完全准备好了才去. a good `few a considerable number (of); several 相当多(的); 几个
*`How many came?' `A good few.' `来了多少?'`很不少.'
* There are still a good few empty seats. 还有好几个空位子. ,good for `sb, `you, `them, etc (infml 口) (used when congratulating sb 用以祝贺某人) sb, etc did well 某人干得好
*She passed the exam? Good for her! 她考试及格了? 真行! (For other idioms containing good, see entries for other major words in each idiom 查阅其他含有good一词的习语, 见该习语中含有其他主要词的词条, 如 (as) good as gold => gold; in good time => time1.)

adv (US infml 口) well 好好地
*Now, you listen to me good! 喂, 你好好听我说!

/gʊd; ˇud/
1 [U] that which is morally right or acceptable 有道德的事; 善
*the difference between good and evil 善恶之分
* Is religion always a force for good? 宗教一向是诲人从善的力量吗?
2 [U] that which gives benefit, profit, advantage, etc 好处、利益、益处等
*work for the good of one's country 为国家利益工作
* I'm giving you this advice for your own good. 我劝你是为你好.
* Do social workers do a lot of good? 社会工作者的贡献大吗? Cf 参看 do-gooder (do1).
3 the good [pl v] virtuous people 高尚的人
*a gathering of the good and the great 贤人伟人荟萃.
4 (idm 习语) be no/not much/any/some `good (doing sth) be of no, not much, etc value 没有、没什么...好处
*It's no good (my) talking to him. (我)同他谈没有用.
* Was his advice ever any good? 他的建议有什么价值吗?
* This gadget isn't much good. 这小机械没什么用处.
* What good is it asking her? 问她有什么好处? do (sb) `good benefit sb 有益于(某人)
*Eat more fruit
*it will do you good. 多吃水果, 对你有好处.
* This cough medicine tastes nice but it doesn't do much good, ie isn't very effective. 这咳嗽药不难吃, 但作用不大.
* (usu ironic 通常作反语) Much good may it do you, ie You won't get much benefit from it. 但愿对你大有好处(其实对你没什么好处). for `good (and `all) permanently; finally 永久; 永远; 决定性地
*She says that she's leaving the country for good, ie intending never to return to it. 她说她要永远离开这个国家. to the `good (used to describe sb's financial state) in credit (用以记述某人的财务状况)盈余
*We are
500 to the good, ie We have
500 more than we had. 我们盈余500英镑. up to no `good (infml 口) doing sth wrong, mischievous, etc 做坏事; 淘气; 恶作剧
*Where's that naughty child now? I'm sure he'll be up to no good wherever he is. 那调皮孩子哪儿去了? 我看, 他到哪儿也做不出好事来.
1. Everybody says she is a good student.

2. Everybody is having a good time after a week of work and study.

3. Even so, Mexico City continues to look good to the rural people who pour into the city.

4. Everything I was experiencing — the ride in the elevator, being in an apartment, eating day-old food that had been stored in a refrigerator — was such a good idea that I could imagine I would grow used to it and like it very much.
    我现在所经历的每一样东西——乘电梯、住套房、吃那在冰箱里存放了一天的食物——都是我能想象得到的美妙东西, 以至于我认为我会慢慢地习惯,而且还会非常喜欢它们的。

5. Even though friends and family support the idea of going, it is difficult to say good-bye at this moment.
    即使朋友们及家人支持他们出国留学, 但在此时此刻说声再见却是很困难的。

6. Because of her inherent carelessness, I doubt my sister can ever be a good driver.

7. But her teammate almost dropped it. Wilma had to stop to get a good hold on the stick.
    但是她的队员已经掉了, 威尔玛不得不停下来抓住接力棒。

8. Boiling is always a good way of treating water.

9. But, of course, it´s not as good as the expensive one.

10. But she told me not to come near them because I was not a good child.
