

美音:[paıl ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[paıl ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.堆,大堆,高大建筑,<美口>大量钱财,<美>[核]反应堆,[电]电池组 vi.堆起,堆积,积累,挤 vt.堆于,累积,堆叠,打桩于,用桩支撑


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动词过去式:piled 过去分词:piled 现在分词:piling 第三人称单数:piles 形容词:piled

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batch  collection  heap  mound  slew  stack    


/paɪl; paɪl/
n heavy column of wood, metal or concrete placed upright in the ground or the sea-bed as a foundation for a building, support for a bridge, etc (桥梁等的)桩.

/paɪl; paɪl/
1 number of things lying one upon another 堆; 摞; 叠
*a pile of books, laundry, wood 一堆书、洗的衣物、木头
* The rubbish was left in a pile on the floor. 地板上堆着垃圾.
2 (often pl 常作复数) ~ of sth (infml 口) a lot of sth 一大堆; 一大批; 一大团; 大量
*a pile of work to do 要做的大量工作* The children eat piles of butter on their bread. 孩子们吃面包爱多抹黄油.
* The engine seems to need piles of oil. 这种发动机似乎需要很多油.
3 (fml or joc 文或谑) large impressive building or group of buildings 高大的建筑物.
4 (also `funeral pile) = pyre.
5 dry battery for making electric current 乾电池.
6 (also atomic `pile) nuclear reactor 核反应堆.
7 (idm 习语) make a `pile (infml 口) earn a lot of money 赚大钱; 发财
*I bet they are making a pile out of the deal. 我肯定他们这笔生意一定赚大钱. make one's `pile (infml 口) make enough money to live on for the rest of one's life; make one's fortune (为以後的生活)挣够钱; 发财
*He made his pile during the property boom. 在房地产生意兴隆期间他发了大财.

/paɪl; paɪl/
1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) put (things) one on top of the other; form a pile of (things) 堆叠、堆积、堆放或堆起(东西)
*pile the books into a stack 把书堆成一摞
* pile (up) the logs outside the door 把木头码在门外
* pile the books up 把书摞起来
* pile up the old furniture in the shed 把旧家具堆放到棚子里.
2 [Tn.pr] ~ A on(to) B/~ B with A put sth on sth in a pile; load sth with sth 将某物堆在某物上; 将某物放到某处
*pile papers on the table 把报纸堆放在桌子上
* pile the table with papers 桌子上堆着报纸
* pile plenty of coal onto the fire 往火上加很多煤
* a table piled high with dishes 桌子上高高地摞着碟子.
3 (idm 习语) pile it `on (infml 口) exaggerate 夸张; 夸大
*It's probably not as bad as she says she does tend to pile it on. 大概不像她说的那么糟--她确实有意夸大事实. pile on the `agony (infml 口) treat an unpleasant situation as if it was worse than it really is (and enjoy doing so) (欣欣然)夸大坏的情况
*The situation is frightful, but it's just piling on the agony to keep discussing it. 情况很可怕, 可是还一个劲儿地议论让人觉得更可怕.
4 (phr v) pile into sth/out of sth; pile in/out enter/leave sth in a disorderly way 一窝蜂地进入[离开]某处
*The taxi arrived and we all piled in. 计程车一到, 我们一拥而上.* The children piled noisily into the bus. 孩子们闹哄哄地挤上了公共汽车.
* The police were waiting for the hooligans as they piled out of the train. 那些流氓从火车上纷纷下来, 警察早已在那儿等着他们了. pile up
(a) increase in quantity; accumulate 增多; 积累
*Evidence was piling up against them. 不利于他们的证据越来越多.
* Her debts are piling up and she has no money to pay them. 她债台日高已无力偿还.
(b) (of a number of vehicles) crash into each other, esp with each car hitting the one in front (指若干辆车)互相碰撞, (尤指)连环碰撞.

/paɪl; paɪl/
n [U] soft surface, eg of velvet or of certain carpets, formed from cut or uncut loops of fibre 绒面, 绒头(如织物或地毯的)
*the thick pile of a luxurious bath towel 华丽浴巾的厚绒面
* [attrib 作定语] a deep pile carpet 厚绒地毯. Cf 参看 nap2.
1. The manure pile is behind the barn.

2. He found an eletric motor in a junk pile.

3. He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods.

4. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods.

5. A pile of dirt was delivered to the garden.

6. "What else you've got here?" one of the men said, putting his hand on the pile of papers.

7. "I'm tired of men," he said, watching over his pile of onions.
    "我厌倦了男人," 他看着自己那一大堆洋葱说。

8. She knows exactly where it can be found: under a pile of napkins.

9. She never found anything, but there was always a thick pile of forms to fill out at the end of each visit, accounting for every penny.

10. Pour out the contents, and there is discovered a pile of small things both valuable and worthless.
