

美音:[stæk ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[stæk ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.堆,一堆,堆栈 v.堆叠




名词:stacker 动词过去式:stacked 过去分词:stacked 现在分词:stacking 第三人称单数:stacks 形容词:stackable

近义词, 同义词

set  batch  lot  pack  budget  assortment  bunch  parcel  packet  package  bundle  bale  fagot  wisp  truss  tuft  shock  rick  stack  sheaf  fascicle  accumulation  heap  lump  pile  massstore  put by  put up  treasure  garner  save up  bank  cache  accumulate  amass  hoard  fund  garner  save  reserve  husband  stow  stack    


heap  load  pile    


/stæk; stæk/
1 circular or rectangular pile of hay, straw, grain, etc, usu with a sloping top for storage in the open; rick (乾草、麦秆、谷物等的)堆, 垛(通常为斜顶, 便于露天贮存)
*a haystack 乾草垛.
2 pile or heap, usu neatly arranged 堆, 摞(通常指堆放得整齐的)
*a wood stack 木材堆
* a stack of newspapers 一摞报纸
* They put the rifles into a stack. 他们把步枪架在一起.
3 (esp pl 尤作复数) ~ of sth (infml 口) large number or quantity 大量; 一大堆
*stacks of money 大量的钞票
* I've got stacks of work to do. 我有一大堆工作要做.
* There's a whole stack of bills waiting to be paid. 有一大堆帐要付呢.
4 (a) tall chimney (esp on a factory) or funnel (on a ship) for carrying away smoke 大烟筒(尤指工厂的); (船上的)烟囱.
(b) group of chimneys standing together 烟囱群.
5 (often pl 常作复数) rack with shelves for books in a library or bookshop (图书馆或书店的)书架.
6 number of aircraft circling at different heights while waiting for instructions to land at an airport 分层盘旋的待降机群.
7 (idm 习语) blow one's stack => blow1.

1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) make sth into a stack or stacks; pile sth up 将某物堆起或摞起
*Please stack your chairs before you leave. 走之前请把椅子摞在一起.
* stack logs (into piles) 把原木堆起来
* stack (up) the dishes on the draining-board 把碗盘摞起放在滴水板上.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (with sth) put heaps or piles of things on or in (a place) 把某物堆放于(某处)
*The whole garden was stacked with bricks. 园子里堆满了砖.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (against sb) arrange (playing-cards) unfairly 洗(纸牌)时作弊
*(US) stack the deck, ie arrange a whole pack of cards in this way 洗牌时做手脚.
4 (a) [I, Ip] ~ (up) (of an aircraft) fly in a stack(6) while waiting to land (指飞行器)定高盘旋(以等待降落).
(b) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) make (aircraft) fly in a stack; arrange (aircraft) in a stack 使(飞行器)分层盘旋待降; 指示(飞行器)分层盘旋待降.
5 (idm 习语) have the cards/odds stacked a`gainst one be at a disadvantage or in a difficult situation, so that one seems unlikely to succeed 处于不利的地位或困境(因而难以成功).
6 (phr v) stack up (against sth) (US infml 口) compare (with sth); measure up (to sth) 能(与某事物)相比; 比得上(某事物)
*How well do you think this washing powder stacks up against your usual brand? 这种洗衣粉跟你常用的那种比怎么样?