

美音:[´kʌmpəs ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´kʌmpəs ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.罗盘,指南针,[pl.] 圆规 v.包围




动词过去式:compassed 过去分词:compassed 现在分词:compassing 第三人称单数:compasses 形容词:compassable


pass=to pass(通过)

近义词, 同义词


/'kʌmpəs; `kʌmpəs/
1 [C]
(a) (also magnetic compass) device for finding direction, with a needle that points to magnetic north 指南针; 罗盘; 罗经
*the points of the compass, ie N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW, etc 罗经上的方位(北、东北、东、东南、南、西南、西、西北等).
(b) similar device for determining direction (指示方向的)类似装置
*a radio compass 无线电罗经.
2 [C] (also compasses [pl]) V-shaped instrument with two legs joined by a hinge, used for drawing circles, measuring distances on a map or chart, etc 圆规; 两脚规
*a pair of compasses 一只圆规. =>illus 见插图.
3 [U] scope; range 界线; 范围
*beyond the compass of the human mind 超出人类智力范围
* the compass of a singer's voice, ie the range from the lowest to the highest note that he or she can reach 歌手的音域.

/'kʌmpəs; `kʌmpəs/
v [Tn] (arch 古) = encompass 2.



[Date: 1300-1400; Language: Old French;Origin: compas 'measure, circle, compass', from compasser 'to measure', from Vulgar Latin compassare 'to measure by walking', from Latin com- ( COM-) + passus ( PACE1)]
an instrument that shows directions and has a needle that always points north
 a map and compass
compass points/points of the compass
(=the marks on a compass that show you north, south, east, west etc)
point, compass
a V-shaped instrument with one sharp point and a pen or pencil at the other end, used for drawing circles or measuring distances on maps
the area or range of subjects that someone is responsible for or that is discussed in a book
compass of
 Within the brief compass of a single page, the author covers most of the major points.
1. Then too, the triangle is one of only two places on earth where a compass needle points to true north rather than magnetic north, causing problems in navigation.

2. "Others are angry because they have no compass in life.

3. "Stop where you are on your trail and say, 'I'm going to get my compass out and find out what I need to do.'"

4. Sailors must have a good compass to find their way.

5. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.

6. Integrity is an inner compass for judging your behavior.
