

美音:[kəmp´li:t ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[kəmp´li:t ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
adj.全部的,完全的,完成的 vt.完成,使完善


complete为六级词汇   词频:1042


形容词:completive 形容词比较级:completer 最高级:completest 名词:completeness 副词:completely 动词过去式:completed 过去分词:completed 现在分词:completing 第三人称单数:completes


plen,plete,ple,pli,ply=to fill(充满),full(满的)

近义词, 同义词



/kəm'pli:t; kəm`plit/
1 having all its parts; whole 完整的; 完全的; 全部的; 整个的
*a complete set, collection, etc 完善的设备、全部收藏等
* a complete edition of Shakespeare's works, ie one that includes all of them 莎士比亚全集
* a radio complete with a carrying case, ie having it as an additional feature 带套的手提收音机.
2 [pred 作表语] finished; ended 完成; 结束
*When will the building work be complete? 建筑工作何时完成?
3 [usu attrib 通常作定语] thorough; in every way; total 彻底的; 全面的; 完全的
*a complete stranger, idiot, nonentity 素不相识的人、十足的白痴、完全的虚构
* It was a complete surprise to me. 这对我完全是件意外的事.

/kəm'pli:t; kəm`plit/
v [Tn]
1 (a) make (sth) whole or perfect 使(某事物)圆满、完善
*I only need one volume to complete my set of Dickens's novels. 我那套狄更斯小说只差一卷就能配齐了.
* A few words of praise from her would have completed his happiness. 她要是能夸他两句, 他也就心满意足了.
(b) bring (sth) to an end; finish 使(某事物)结束; 完成
*When will the railway be completed? 铁路何时竣工?
2 fill in (a form, etc) 填(表格等)
*Complete your application in ink. 用钢笔填申请表.
1. `First-class hotel´ was a complete misnomer for the tumbledown farmhouse we stayed in.
    把我们住的那个摇摇欲坠的村舍称作‘一流旅馆’, 纯粹是乱用词语.

2. We are in complete ignorance of your plans.

3. Wilmut knew that each cell of the body contains a full set of genetic instructions — instructions to grow a complete individual.

4. While the study is not yet complete, the children appear to have been given a long-term advantage.

5. The doctor advised (me to take) a complete rest.

6. The salvage operation had been a complete failure.

7. The salvage operation had been a complete failure.

8. The great statue, which was designed by the sculptor Auguste Bartholdi, took ten years to complete.

9. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the People´s Republic (1959), the government determined in 1958 that Beijing should undertake ten major building projects and complete them in ten months.

10. The Hyde curriculum is similar to conventional schools that provide preparation for college, complete with English, history, math and science.
