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day为小学词汇   词频:104

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/deɪ; de/
1 (a) [U] time between sunrise and sunset 白天; 日间
*He has been working all day. 他整天都在工作.
* When I woke up, it was already day. 我醒来时已是白天.
(b) [C] period of
24 hours 一天; 一昼夜
*There are seven days in a week. 一周有七天.
* I saw Tom three days ago. 我三天前见过汤姆.
* I shall see Mary in a few days' time, ie a few days from now. 我几天後就能见到玛丽.
* `What day of the week is it?' `It's Monday.' `今天星期几?'`今天星期一.' =>App
5 见附录5.
(c) [C] hours of the day when one works 一天工作的时间; 工作日
*I've done a good day's work. 我已做完足足一天的工作.
* Have you had a hard day at the office? 你今天在办公室是否忙得不可开交?
* Her working day is seven hours. 她一天工作七小时.
* The employees are demanding a six-hour day and a five-day week. 雇员要求每日工作六小时, 每周工作五天.
2 days [pl] specified time; period 某段时间; 时期; 时代
*in his younger days 在他的年轻时代
* I was much happier in those days, ie at that time. 我在那时期快乐得多.
* in the days of Queen Victoria 在维多利亚女王时代
* in days of old/in the old days, ie in former times 昔日.
3 (idm 习语) all in a day's `work part of the normal routine 每日常规的一部分; 日常工作
*Injecting animals is all in a day's work for a vet. 给动物注射是兽医的日常工作. at the end of the day => end1. break of day => break2. by day/night during daylight hours/after dark 白天; 日间[夜间; 天黑後]
*The fugitives travelled by night andrested by day. 逃亡者夜行而昼伏. call it a day => call2.carry/win the `day (infml 口) be successful against sb/sth 成功; 获胜
*Despite strong opposition, the ruling party carried the day. 执政党尽管遭到强烈反对, 还是获胜了. clear as day => clear1. day after `day for many days; continuously 日复一日; 多日; 连续地
*Day after day she waited in vain for him to telephone her. 日复一日, 她徒劳地等待他的电话. the day after to`morrow 後天
*If today is Wednesday, the day after tomorrow will be Friday. 今天要是星期三, 後天就是星期五. the day before `yesterday 前天
*If today is Wednesday, the day before yesterday was Monday. 今天要是星期三, 前天就是星期一. day by `day as time goes by 一天一天地; 逐日
*Day by day she learnt more about her job. 她日益了解自己的工作了. day `in, day `out every day without exception 一天接一天地; 日复一日; 每天
*Day in, day out, no matter what the weather is like, she walks ten miles. 她不管天气如何, 每天总是不间断地步行十英里. a day of `reckoning (fml 文) time when wrongdoers will be punished 做坏事的人得到惩罚的日子
*You're enjoying yourself now, but a day of reckoning will come. 别看你现在逍遥, 将来会遭报应的. sb's/sth's days are `numbered sb/sth is soon going to die, fail, lose favour, etc 某人[某事物]即将死亡、失败、失宠等; 活不久; 寿命长不了
*He has a serious illness, and his days are numbered. 他患重病, 不久人世了.
* This factory is no longer profitable, so its days are numbered, ie it will soon close. 这家工厂赚不到钱了, 很快就要倒闭. early days => early. end one's days/life => end2. every dog has his/its day => dog1. fall on evil days => evil. from day to `day; from ,one day to the `next within a short period of time 在短时间内
*Things change from day to day. 事情一天一变.
* You don't know what his mood will be from one day to the next. 真说不上他的情绪今天怎样明天又怎样. the good/bad old days => old. happy as the day is long => happy. have had one's `day be no longer successful, prosperous, powerful, etc 不再顺利、兴旺、强大等
*He was a great singer once but now he's had his day. 他曾是个红歌星, 但现在风华已去.
* Colonialism has had its day, ie is over. 殖民主义已日薄西山. have seen/known better days => better1. high days and holidays => high1. if he's, she's, etc a `day (in speaking of sb's age) at least (论某人年龄)至少
*He's eighty if he's a day! 他至少八十岁了! in all one's born days => born. in `this day and age nowadays 现时代; 当今. in one's `day in one's lifetime; in a period of success, prosperity, power, etc 一生; 成功、兴盛、强大等的时期; 鼎盛时期
*In his day, he was a very influential politician. 他在走红时是非常有影响力的政治家.
* She was a great beauty in her day, ie when she was young. 她年轻时是个绝代美人. it's not sb's `day (infml 口) sb is especially unlucky 某人特别不幸运; 倒霉
*My car broke down, then I locked myself out
*it's just not my day! 我的汽车坏了, 又把自己锁在外边, 真倒霉透了! make sb's `day (infml 口) make sb very happy 使某人非常高兴
*If she wins, it'll make her day. 她要是赢了, 她就太高兴了. late in the day => late2. the livelong day/night => livelong. night and day => night. a ,nine days' `wonder person or thing that attracts attention for a short time but is soon forgotten 昙花一现的人或事物
*As a pop star she was a nine days' wonder
*she only made one successful record. 她是个昙花一现的歌星, 只录制过一张受欢迎的唱片. `one day at a particular time in the future 将来某一天; 有朝一日
*One day I'll get my revenge. 有朝一日我要报仇. one fine day => fine2. `one of these (fine) days soon 不久
*One of these days he'll realize what a fool he's been. 不久他就会明白他一直是多么愚蠢. one of those `days an especially unpleasant or unlucky day 特别不愉快或不幸的日子
*I've had one of those days
*my train was late, and I lost my wallet. 这一天我真不幸
*火车晚点, 我又丢了钱包. the order of the day => rorder1. the other `day recently 最近
*I saw her (only) the other day. 我(就)在最近见过她. pass the time of day => pass2. peep of day => peep1. the present day => present1. a red-letter day => red1. Rome was not built in a day => build. salad days => salad. save, etc sth for a rainy day => rainy. `some day at some time in the future 他日; 将来有一天
*Some day I'll come back and marry her. 总有一天我要回来娶她. `that'll be the day (ironic 反语) that's very unlikely 不太可能
*`He says he'll do the washing-up.' `That'll be the day!' `他说他要洗碗.'`没那么回事!' `these days nowadays 如今; 当今. ,this day `fortnight a fortnight from today 两星期後的今天. ,this day `week a week from today 一星期後的今天. `those were the days that was a happier, better, etc time 那是过去的幸福、美好等的日子
*Do you remember when we first got married? Those were the days! 你还记得我们刚结婚那时吗? 那时多幸福! to the `day exactly 一天都不差; 正好
*It's three years to the day since we met. 我们整整三年没见面了. to this `day even now 至今
*To this day, I still don't know why she did it. 至今我仍不明白她为什么干那件事. turn night into day => night.


1【24 hours】
2【not night】
3【when you are awake】
4【time at work】
8 somebody's/something's day
9 Independence/election/Christmas etc day
10 five/three/nine etc years to the day
11 somebody's days
12 somebody's/something's days are numbered
13 day after day
14 from day to day
15 day by day
16 night and day
17 day out
18 have an off day
19 make somebody's day
20 soup/dish/fish etc of the day
21 be all in a day's work
22 take each day as it comes
23 the day of reckoning
24 it's (just) one of those days
25 it's not somebody's day
26 make a day of it
27 that'll be the day
28 not have all day
29 it's not every day (that)
30 be on days
31 40/50/60 etc if he's/she's a day
[Language: Old English;Origin: dAg]
【24 HOURS】[C]
a period of 24 hours
 We spent three days in Paris.
 'What day is it today?' 'Friday.'
 He left two days ago.
 I'll call you in a couple of days.
 The following day, a letter arrived.
on a/the following/that etc day
(=during a particular day)
 Over 10,000 soldiers died on that one day in January.
 What really happened on that day so long ago?
 I saw Jane the day before yesterday .
 We're leaving for New York the day after tomorrow .
 Women generally use up about 2000 calories a day (=each day) .
 I got an email from Jo the other day (=a few days ago) .
【NOT NIGHT】 [U and C]
the period of time between when it gets light in the morning and when it gets dark
 She only leaves her house during the day.
 It was a cold blustery day.
 Kept in that dark cell, I could no longer tell whether it was day or night.
on a/that/the following etc day
 She first met Steve on a cold but sunny day in March.
by day
(=during the day)
 Owls usually sleep by day and hunt by night.
 The day dawned (=started) bright and clear.
【WHEN YOU ARE AWAKE】 [C usually singular]
the time during the day when you are awake and active
 His day begins at six.
 Jackie starts the day with a few gentle exercises.
 Sometimes I feel I just can't face another day.
 'See you later,' said the girl, 'Have a nice day.' (=used in a friendly way when you say goodbye to someone)
 It's been a long day (=used when you have been awake and busy for a long time) .
all day (long)
(=during the whole time you are awake)
 I've been studying all day. I'm beat!
the time you spend doing your job during a 24-hour period
 I work a ten-hour day.
 Rail workers are campaigning for a shorter working day .
 I've got a day off (=a day when I do not have to go to work) tomorrow.
used to talk about a time in the past
 I knew him pretty well from his days as a DJ in the Bounty Club (=from when he was a DJ) .
 I always used to do the cooking in the early days of our marriage.
 Not much was known about the dangers of smoking in those days (=then) .
 They were very much opposed to the government of the day (=that existed then) .
 One day (=on a day in the past) , a mysterious stranger called at the house.
 From day one (=from the beginning) , I knew I wouldn't get on with him.
 In my day (=in the past, when I was young) , kids used to have some respect for their elders.
in sb's student/army/childhood etc days
(=in the past when someone was a student etc)
 I used to run six miles a day in my army days.
those were the days
spoken (=used to talk about a time in the past you think was better than now)
 We used to stay in bed all morning and party all night. Those were the days!
used to talk about the situation that exists now
 I don't do much exercise these days (=now) .
 It's incredible that such attitudes still exist in this day and age (=used to express disapproval that something still exists now) .
 To this day (=until and including now) , he denies any involvement in the crime.
up to/until/to the present day
(=until and including now)
 This tradition has continued right up until the present day.
used to talk about a time in the future
one day/some day
(=some time in the future)
 I'd like to go and visit the States one day.
 Some day we might get him to see sense.
 One of these days (=some time soon) I'm going to walk right out of here and never come back.
 Kelly's expecting the baby any day now (=very soon) .
 The day will come (=the time will come) when he won't be able to care for himself any more.
sb's/sth's day
a successful period of time in someone's life or in something's existence
 Your grandfather was a famous radio personality in his day (=at the time he was most successful) .
 Don't be too disappointed you didn't win - your day will come (=you will be successful in the future) .
 Game shows like that have had their day (=were successful in the past, but are not any more) .
Independence/election/Christmas etc day
a day on which a particular event or celebration takes place
 Rioting broke out just three days before polling day.
five/three/nine etc years to the day
exactly five years etc
 It's two years to the day since he died.
sb's days
someone's life
 She ended her days in poverty.
sb's/sth's days are numbered
used to say that someone or something will not exist for much longer
 It seems that the hospital's days are numbered.
day after dayalsoday in day out
continuously for a long time in a way that is annoying or boring
 I couldn't stand sitting at a desk day after day.
from day to dayalsofrom one day to the next
if a situation changes from day to day or from one day to the next, it changes often
 I never know from day to day what I'm going to be doing.
 His moods swung wildly from one day to the next.
day-to-day,live from day to dayatlive1 (5)
day by day
slowly and gradually
 Her health was improving day by day.
night and dayalsoday and night
all the time
= continuously
 Being together night and day can put a great pressure on any relationship.
day out
especially BrE a trip you make for pleasure on a particular day
 A visit to the caves makes a fascinating and exciting day out for all the family.
have an off day
to be less successful or happy than usual, for no particular reason
 Even the greatest athletes have their off days.
make sb's day
to make someone very happy
 Hearing her voice on the phone really made my day.
soup/dish/fish etc of the day
a soup, meal etc that a restaurant serves on a particular day in addition to the meals they always offer
be all in a day's work
if something difficult, unpleasant, or unusual is all in a day's work for someone, it is a normal part of their job
take each day as it comesalsotake it one day at a time
to deal with something as it happens and not worry about the future
 Since I had the accident, I've learned to take each day as it comes.
the day of reckoning
a time when you have to deal with the unpleasant results of something you did in the past
spokenit's (just) one of those days
used to say that everything seems to be going wrong on this particular day
spokenit's not sb's day
used when several unpleasant things have happened to someone in one day
 It really wasn't Chris's day - he overslept and then his car broke down.
spokenmake a day of it
BrE to spend all day doing something for pleasure
 If the weather's nice, we'll make a day of it and take a picnic.
spokenthat'll be the day
used to say that you think something is very unlikely to happen
 'Bill says he's going to start going to the gym.' 'That'll be the day!'
spokennot have all day
used to say that you want someone to do something faster because you do not have enough time to wait for them to finish
 Hurry up! I haven't got all day!
spokenit's not every day (that)
used to say that something does not happen often and is therefore very special
 Let's go out and celebrate. After all, it's not every day you get a new job.
spokenbe on days
to work during the day at a job you sometimes have to do at night
 I'm on days this week.
spoken40/50/60 etc if he's/she's a day
used to emphasize that someone is at least as old as you are saying
 She's ninety if she's a day.
at the end of the dayatend1 (12), call it a dayatcall1 (10), carry the dayatcarry1 (22), the early daysatearly1 (1), every dog (has) its dayatdog1 (11), the good old daysatold, half day,have a field dayatfield day, it's early daysatearly1 (3), it's (a little) late in the dayatlate1 (8), it's sb's lucky dayatlucky, (live to) see the dayatsee1 (23), name the dayatname2 (6), open day,save the dayatsave1 (12), speech day, sports day
HINT sense 3
Do not say all the day. Say all day.

1. Every cock crows at the dawn of day.

2. Every day I start work at 9:00 and finish at 5:00.

3. Each day is a holiday,

4. Everything was fine until one day they found they had spent all their money.

5. Every day they parted in the morning and met in the evening.

6. Every day you have said to yourself,

7. Everything I was experiencing — the ride in the elevator, being in an apartment, eating day-old food that had been stored in a refrigerator — was such a good idea that I could imagine I would grow used to it and like it very much.
    我现在所经历的每一样东西——乘电梯、住套房、吃那在冰箱里存放了一天的食物——都是我能想象得到的美妙东西, 以至于我认为我会慢慢地习惯,而且还会非常喜欢它们的。

8. Every year, on Independence Day, our Prime Minister Nehru spoke of the benefits of science and technology.

9. Each person generates about 4.4 pounds of garbage a day — a number that has seen steady growth.

10. Even on Valentine's Day, when the price of a dozen roses and delivery can soar as high as $150, 12 of Roses Only's most expensive flowers sell for just $35.
