

美音:[drɔp ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[drɔp ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.滴下,落下,(使声音等)变弱,(使价格等)下降,使跌倒,使结束,不再讨论,停止与(某人)交往 n.落下,下降,滴,滴剂,点滴,微量,下跌


drop为小学词汇   词频:2699


动词过去式:dropped 过去分词:dropped 现在分词:dropping 第三人称单数:drops

近义词, 同义词


abandon  cease  descend  dismiss  dive  end  fall  give-up  let-go  plunge  stop    


/drɒp; drɑp/
1 [C] small rounded or pear-shaped mass of liquid (液体的)珠, 滴
*`rain-drops, `tear-drops, etc 雨滴、泪珠
* drops of rain, dew, sweat, condensation, etc 雨滴、露珠、汗珠、冷凝水珠
* Pour the oil in drops into the mixture. 将油滴入混合物.2 drops [pl] liquid medicine poured a drop at a time into the ears, eyes or nose 滴剂
*comfort drops, eg used to make contact lenses easier to wear 润滑剂(如用以使隐形镜片容易配戴的).
3 [C esp sing 尤作单数] small quantity of liquid 少量的液体; 点滴
*I like my tea with just a drop of milk. 我喜欢茶里加一点点牛奶.
* (fig 比喻) He's had a drop too much, ie He is drunk. 他喝醉了.
4 [C] thing shaped like a drop, esp a sweet or a hanging ornament 滴状物; (尤指)糖果, 坠子饰物.
5 [sing] steep or vertical distance 倾斜的或垂直的距离
*There was a sheer drop of five hundred feet to the rocks below. 至暗礁的垂直距离有五百英尺.
6 [sing] (fig 比喻) decrease 下降
*a drop in prices, temperatures, etc 物价、温度等下降
* a big drop in the number of people out of work 失业人数大幅下降.
7 [C] act of dropping; thing that drops or is dropped 空投; 空投物
*Drops of supplies are being made to villages still cut off by the snow. 目前正向大雪隔绝的村庄空投生活用品.
8 (idm 习语) at the ,drop of a `hat without delay, hesitation or good reason 不拖延地; 不迟疑地; 无缘无故地
*You can't expect me to move my home at the drop of a hat. 你别指望我说搬家就搬家. (only) a ,drop in the `bucket/`ocean a quantity too small to make any improvement 沧海一粟; 杯水车薪
*Aid to the Third World is at present little more than a drop in the ocean. 目前对第三世界的援助不过是杯水车薪.

/drɒp; drɑp/
v (-pp-)
1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] fall or allow (sth) to fall (by accident) 降落; 使(某物)(意外地)落下
*The bottle dropped and broke. 瓶子掉下来摔碎了.
* The climber slipped and dropped to his death. 攀登者一失足摔死了.
* Don't drop that or it'll break! 别弄掉了, 不然会摔破的.
2 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] fall or cause (sth) to fall (on purpose) 降落; (故意地)使(某物)落下
*She dropped to safety from the burning building. 她从失火的建筑物上坠落到安全的地方.
* Medical supplies are being dropped to the stricken area. 目前正将医药用品空投到灾区.
* Drop the hammer down to me. 把锤子扔给我.
3 [I, Ipr] (of people and animals) collapse from exhaustion (指人和动物)(因筋疲力尽)倒下
*I feel ready to drop, ie very tired. 我要累倒了.
* (fig 比喻) She expects everyone to work till they drop, ie very hard. 她恨不得把个个人都累趴下为止.
4 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] (cause sth to) become weaker, lower or less (使某事物)变弱、降低或减少
*The wind, temperature, water level, etc has dropped considerably. 风势已减弱了、温度已下降了、水平面已降低了很多.
* His voice dropped to a whisper. 他的声音已降低成轻声细语了.
* The cost of living seems set to drop for the third month in succession. 生活费用持续下降, 眼看就快三个月了.
5 [I, Ipr, Ip] form a steep or vertical descent 形成险峻的或陡峭的斜坡
*The cliff drops sharply (away) (to the sea). 悬崖呈陡坡状(伸入大海).
6 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sb/sth (off) allow sb to get out of a car, etc; deliver sth on the way to somewhere else 让某人下汽车...; 中途顺便将某物送交某处
*Could you drop me (off) near the post office? 你可以让我在邮局附近下车吗?
7 (infml 口) [Dn.n] send (a letter, etc) to sb 将(信件等)寄给某人
*drop sb a postcard 给某人寄明信片.
8 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (from sth) omit sb/sth (by accident or on purpose) (偶然或有意地)略去某人[某事物]
*She's been dropped from the team because of injury. 她因受伤而离队.
* Many dated expressions are being dropped from the new dictionary. 这本新词典中删去了很多过时的词语.
9 [Tn]
(a) stop seeing (sb) 不再与(某人)来往
*She's dropped most of her old friends or they've dropped her! 她已经与多数老朋友不再来往了--或者说他们不再与她来往了!
(b) give up (a habit, custom, etc) 抛弃(习惯、风俗等).
(c) stop doing or discussing (sth) 不再做(某事); 不再讨论(某事)
*Drop everything and come here! 把一切工作都放下, 到这里来!
* Let's drop the formalities
*call me Mike. 不要拘礼
* Look, can we just drop the subject? 我说, 我们能不能别再谈这件事了?
10 [Tn] (infml 口) lose (money), esp by gambling, etc 损失(金钱)(尤指因赌博等所致)
*I hear they've dropped over ten thousand on the deal. 我听说他们那笔交易损失了一万多块钱.
11 [I, Tn] (sl 俚) take (illegal drugs) orally 口服(毒品).
12 (idm 习语) die/drop/fall like flies => fly1. ,drop one's `aitches omit the `h' sound from places in words where it is pronounced by educated speakers (often thought a sign of lower-class social origins) 略去单词中的h音(常视为出身低下的标志). drop a `brick/`clanger (infml 口) say or do sth that is insulting or embarrassing without realizing that it is (无意中)说出或做出伤人的或令人发窘的事. drop `dead
(a) (infml 口) die suddenly and unexpectedly 猝死; 暴死.
(b) (sl 俚) (used to tell sb forcefully and rudely to stop bothering one, interfering, etc 用以叫某人不要再打扰、干涉等, 语气强硬而粗鲁). drop a `hint (to sb)/drop (sb) a hint make a suggestion indirectly or tactfully 间接地或策略地提出建议; 暗示. drop/dump sth in sb's lap => lap1. drop sb a line write a (usu short) letter to sb 给某人写信(通常指短信)
*Drop me a line to say when you're coming. 给我写封短信告诉我你来的时间. drop `names (infml 口) mention famous or powerful people one is supposed to know, so as to impress others 提及名人或有权势的人, 让人以为自己认识这些人而对自己另眼相看. drop a `stitch (in knitting) let a stitch slip off the needle (编织)漏一针, 脱一针, 掉一针. one's jaw drops => jaw. let sb/sth `drop do or say nothing more about sb/sth 不再提某人; 不再做或不再提某事
*I suggest we let the matter drop. 我建议咱们别再提这事了. the penny drops => penny.
13 (phr v) drop back; drop behind (sb) move or fall into position behind sb else 落後; 落伍
*The two lovers dropped back so as to be alone. 那对情人落在後面, 为的是两人好单独在一起.
* (fig 比喻) Britain is increasingly dropping behind her competitors in this field. 英国在这一领域日渐落後于竞争对手. drop by/in/over/round; drop in on sb; drop into sth pay a casual visit (to a person or place) 偶然访问(某人或某地); 顺便访问
*Drop round some time. 有空就顺便来坐坐.
* I thought I'd drop in on you while I was passing. 我曾想路过时就来看看你.
* Sorry we're late we dropped into a pub on the way. 对不起我们迟到了--我们中途到酒馆去了. =>Usage at visit 用法见visit. drop off (infml 口)
(a) fall into a light sleep; doze 打盹儿; 打瞌睡
*I dropped off and missed the end of the film. 我打了个盹儿, 把影片的结尾给错过了.
(b) become fewer or less 减少
*Traffic has dropped off since the by-pass opened. 自从辅助道路通车後, 这条路上来往车辆已经减少了. drop out (of sth)
(a) withdraw (from an activity, a contest, etc) (从活动、竞赛等中)退出
*Since his defeat he's dropped out of politics. 他失败後就不再从事政治活动了.
(b) leave school, university, etc without finishing one's courses 中途退学; 辍学
*She got a scholarship to Cambridge but dropped out a year later. 她得到了剑桥大学的奖学金, 但一年以後就退学了.
(c) withdraw from conventional society 脱离传统社会.
1. Be careful! Don´t drop it!
    小心点, 别摔了!

2. Billy: Then let´s drop the topic.

3. There is an appreciable drop in the temperature.

4. The cow bug seems to enjoy this, and presently a tiny drop of honeydew milk appears.
    蚁虫似乎喜欢这种敲打, 立刻就有一小滴蜜露流了出来.

5. There was clearly nothing left to do but drop herself onto the shabby little couch and weep.

6. The door began to open. Swiftly Max pushed to free himself and drop to the balcony.

7. There was a sudden drop in activity in the left side of the brain — the side most involved in language — and an exaggerated reaction on the right, the side strongest at thinking about the location of objects.
    他们的左半脑 -- 与语言能力相关的那一半 -- 的活动急剧下降,而右半脑,擅长思考物体方位的那一半,却做出强烈的反应。

8. A turn of a screw here, a little tightening up there, a drop of oil and it would be as good as new.

9. Don´t drop it!

10. As the time and cost of making a chip drop to a few days and a few hundred dollars,
