

美音:[dʒɔg ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[dʒɔg ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.轻推,轻撞,漫步 v.轻推,(使)蹒跚行进,(使)慢跑




名词:jogger 动词过去式:jogged 过去分词:jogged 现在分词:jogging 第三人称单数:jogs

近义词, 同义词


gait  lope  run  sprint  trot    


/dʒɒg; dʒɑˇ/
v (-gg-)
1 [Tn] push or knock (sb/sth) slightly 轻推或轻碰(某人[某物])
*Don't jog me, or you'll make me spill something! 别碰我, 不然我就把东西弄洒了.
2 [I] (usu 通常作 go jogging) run slowly and steadily for a time, for physical exercise 慢跑(作为运动)
*He goes jogging every evening. 他每天晚上都作慢跑. =>Usage at run1 用法见run1.
3 [Ipr, Ip] move unsteadily, esp up and down, in a shaky manner 不平稳地移动; (尤指)颠簸
*The wagon jogged along (a rough track). 马车(沿凹凸不平的小路)颠簸前行.
4 [I] (of a horse) move at a jogtrot (指马)颠跑.
5 (idm 习语) jog sb's memory help sb to recall sth 唤起某人记起某事
*This photograph may jog your memory. 这照片能引起你的回忆.
6 (phr v) jog along/on continue in a steady manner, with little or no excitement or progress 持续而缓慢地进行; 无起色或无大进展
*For years the business just kept jogging along. 多年来生意仅仅是平平而已.

n [sing]
1 slight push, knock or shake; nudge 轻推; 轻碰; 轻摇; 以肘轻触
*He gave the pile of tins a jog and they all fell down. 他轻轻一碰, 那些罐子就都倒了.
* (fig 比喻) give sb's memory a jog 给某人提个醒.
2 spell of jogging as exercise (为锻炼的)短时慢跑
*Are you coming for a jog tomorrow morning? 明天早晨你来慢跑吗?
1. Don´t jog me, or you´ll make me spill something!
    别碰我, 不然我就把东西弄洒了.
