

美音:[´mu:vmənt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´mu:vmənt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声


movement为中学词汇   词频:580


mov,mob,mot=to move(移动)

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/'mu:vmənt; `muvmənt/
1 (a) [U, C] moving or being moved 移动; 运动; 活动
*the movement of his chest as he breathes 他呼吸时胸部的起伏
* lie still without (making) any movement 静卧不动
* Loose clothing gives you greater freedom of movement. 穿宽松的衣服就能活动自如.
* I detected a slight movement in the undergrowth. 我发现灌木丛中有些动静.
(b) [U] action; activity 动作; 活动
*a play, novel, etc that lacks movement 情节呆滞的戏剧、小说等.
2 [C] act of changing position, esp as a military manoeuvre 移动; (尤指)军事调动
*Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite. 藉助卫星可观察到部队的调动.
3 movements[pl] actions, journeys, etc over a period of time (esp as observed and/or recorded by sb else) 某时期的活动、行踪等(尤指受到监视或记录的)
*The police have been keeping a close watch on the suspects' movements. 警方一直严密监视着可疑分子的活动.
4 [sing] ~ (away from/towards sth) trend (in society) (社会中的)动向, 趋向, 倾向
*the movement towards greater freedom in fashion styles 时装款式向更开放方面发展的趋势.
5 [U, C] ~ (in sth) change in amount (esp the rise or fall of prices in a stock market) 变动; (尤指股票市场价格的)涨落
*not much movement in oil shares 石油股价无大波动.
6 [CGp, C] ~ (to do sth) (group of people with a) shared set of aims or principles (具有共同目标或原则的)团体; (此种团体开展的)运动
*the aims, members, etc of the Labour Movement 工人运动的目标、成员等
* poets of the Romantic movement 浪漫派诗人
* founding a movement to promote women's rights 创建女权运动.
7 [C] (music 音) any of the main divisions in a long musical work 乐章
*a symphony in four movements 一首四乐章的交响曲.
8 [C] moving parts in a mechanism, esp those in a clock or watch which turn the hands (活动的)机件; (尤指钟表的)机心.
9 [C] (medical or fml 医或文) emptying of the bowels 通便.


1【people working together】
4 somebody's movements
7【body waste】
a group of people who share the same ideas or beliefs and who work together to achieve a particular aim
civil rights/feminist/peace etc movement
 the civil rights movement of the 1960s
movement to do sth
 Mendes led a movement to stop destruction of the rain forest.
movement for
 the movement for independence
a) when someone or something changes position or moves from one place to another
 the dancer's graceful movements
movement of
 A slight movement of the curtains showed where she was hiding.
 the movement of goods across the border
 He motioned to the door with a movement of his head.
b) a planned change in the position of a group of soldiers
 reports of troop movements in the area
a gradual change or development in a situation or in people's attitudes or opinions
 There's been no movement in the peace talks since Thursday.
movement towards/away from
 a movement towards equality with men in the workplace
sb's movements
the places where someone goes and the things they do during a certain period
 Police are trying to trace Carter's movements since Tuesday.
one of the main parts into which a piece of music is divided, especially a symphony
【CLOCK/WATCH】 [C usually singular]
the moving parts of a piece of machinery, especially a clock or watch
【BODY WASTE】[C]formal
when you get rid of waste matter from your bowels
1. But as the paper moved from side to side under the pen point, its movement would be recorded in ink upon its surface.

2. The ideas are also expressed by minor poets on the periphery of the movement.

3. The apparatus thus described, however, records only the horizontal component of the wave movement, which is, in fact, much more complicated.

4. The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me.

5. However, even if prediction becomes possible, people who live in areas where earthquakes are a common occurrence will still have to do their best to prevent disasters by building structures that are resistant to ground movement and by being personall

6. As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall and the ship made a strange movement, listing to port.
    当风力增强的时候, 突然刮起一阵大风, 船身奇怪地晃动了一下, 向左倾斜过来.

7. As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall and the ship made a strange movement, listing to port.

8. A. Oh yes. Who hasn´t? It´s such a faithful record of the student movement of December 9th, 1935.
    A. 看过。谁没看过?这是关于1935年12月9日那场学生运动的一个真实的记录。

9. Although many people assume that balance and movement problems are inevitable with age, an increasing body of evidence demonstrates that exercise can help improve balance and strength in elderly individuals and reduce their chance of falling.

10. "The movements are very slow and careful and involve a great deal of body movement and standing on a single limb.
