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harmony为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4742




-mony 是-ment的变换型

近义词, 同义词


discord  disharmony    


/'hɑ:mənɪ; `hɑrmənɪ/
1 [U] agreement (of feelings, interests, opinions, etc) (感情、兴趣、意见等)相符, 一致
*working towards harmony in international affairs 致力使国际事务协调一致.
2 [C, U] (instance of a) pleasing combination of related things 协调; 匀称
*the harmony of colour in nature 自然界色彩的协调
* The designer's aim is to produce a harmony of shape and texture. 设计者的目标是要使外观与材料的特性两者统一起来.
3 (a) [U] (music 音) (study of the) combinationof different notes at the same time to produce chords和声(学)
*The two sang in harmony. 这两人用和声演唱.
(b) [C] sweet or melodious sound 美妙动听的声音;乐声. Cf 参看 concord, discord.
4 (idm 习语) in harmony (with sb/sth) agreeing; matching 协调一致; 相配
*live together in perfect harmony, ie peacefully and happily 住在一起十分融洽
* His tastes are in harmony with mine. 他的爱好与我的相同.


[Date: 1300-1400; Language: French;Origin: harmonie, from Latin harmonia, from Greek, 'joint, harmony']
[C usually plural, U]
notes of music combined together in a pleasant way
in harmony
 a choir singing in perfect harmony
 the gorgeous vocal harmonies on 'Mexicali Rose'
 three-part harmonies
when people live or work together without fighting or disagreeing with each other
 I do believe it is possible for different ethnic groups to live together in harmony.
peace and harmony
 an era of peace and harmony
live/work etc in harmony
be in harmony with sth
formal to agree with another idea, feeling etc, or look good with other things
 Your suggestions are not in harmony with the aims of this project.
the pleasant effect made by different things that form an attractive whole
 the harmony of sea and sky
1. Their life is a natural harmony.

2. Their life is a natural harmony.

3. Thus, the direction of the meeting is a mutual attempt to reduce confrontation and achieve harmony.

4. The Japanese business person works to achieve harmony, even if the deal falls through, and will spend whatever time is necessary to determine a "you to you" approach, communicating personal views only indirectly and delicately.

5. "Main Street, USA", the heart of Euro Disneyland, it promises, will feature an old time "Harmony Barber Shop" to deal with "messy hair and hairy chins" — and perhaps even offending mustaches.

6. In spite of rapid population increase and industrial growth, some groups of people, often in remote areas, have been able to live in harmony with the planet.
