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understanding为高中词汇   词频:1351



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/,ʌndə'stændɪŋ; ,ʌndɚ`stændɪŋ/
1 [U] power of clear thought; intelligence 理解力; 洞察力; 智力; 智慧
*mysteries beyond human understanding 人类无法理解的奥秘.
2 [U, sing] ~ (of sth) knowledge of the meaning, importance or cause (of sth) 对(某事物的)意思、重要性或原因的了解
*I have only a limited understanding of French. 我懂的法语很有限. 3[U, sing] ability to show insight or tolerance; sympatheticawareness 体谅; 谅解; 通情达理
*no real understanding between husband and wife 夫妻之间没有真正的相互体谅
* our improved understanding of Soviet life 我们对过去的苏联人的生活的进一步了解
* work for a better understanding between world religions 为促进世界上各宗教之间的互相谅解而努力.
4 (a) [U] ~ (of sth) (usu fml 通常作文雅语) interpretation of information received 对信息的解释或理解
*My understanding was that we would meet here. 根据我的理解, 我们将在这儿见面.
(b) [C usu sing 通常作单数] preliminary or informal agreement (初步的或非正式的)协议, 协定, 谅解
*come to/reach an understanding with management about pay 与资方就工资问题达成协议
* We have an understanding that/There is an understanding between us that we will not sell to each other's customers. 我们双方有个默契, 就是不把货物卖给对方的顾客.
5 (idm 习语)on the understanding that...; on this understandingon condition that...; on this condition 在...条件下; 以此为条件
*I lent him
5 on the understanding that he would repay me today. 我借给他5英镑, 条件是他今天得还给我.

adj able to show tolerance of or sympathy towards others' feelings and views 体谅的; 谅解的; 通情达理的
*an understanding approach, smile, parent 体谅的态度、微笑、父亲(或母亲).
1. Encouraging such behavior depends on understanding the different ways AIDS is spread around the world.

2. We shall all remember Mr. Page for his patience and understanding and for the kindly encouragement he gave us when we went so unwillingly to school.

3. We were equally annoyed that all of what we heard was so superficial, and based on such a shallow understanding of today's true environmental problems.

4. The next important advance in understanding malaria came in the 17th century, when many newly discovered plants in the New World were sent back to Europe to be used as medicines.

5. This acquisition of understanding alleviates much of the stress.

6. The phrase "emotional intelligence" was coined by researchers five years ago to describe qualities like understanding one's own feelings, sympathy for the feelings of others and "the regulation of emotion in a way that enhances living&

7. And we are better for our understanding of these other contributions — be they scientific or artistic.

8. And beyond that, you've gained something — a little more knowledge and a lot more understanding.
    你已经理解到了你原本讨厌的按部就班的生活的价值, 理解到了你原本视为理所当然的职业的重要性,

9. You must reach an understanding with him.

10. Reading about them increases our understanding without dispelling our fears.
