

/kən'kɔ:dəns; kən`kɔrdns/
n alphabeticalindex of the words used by an author or in a book (作家所使用的或书籍中的)按字母顺序排列的索引
*a `Bible concordance 《圣经》词语索引
* a concordance to Shakespeare 莎士比亚词语索引.


an alphabetical list of all the words used in a book or set of books, with information about where they can be found and usually about how they are used
 a Shakespeare concordance
concordance to
 a concordance to the Bible
a list of all the words in a book, magazine etc, held on a computer database, showing every example of a particular word in the book etc
 concordance lines
the state of being similar to something else or in agreement with it
 the concordance between the proposals