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importance为高中词汇   词频:1033


port=to carry(运送)

近义词, 同义词


/-tns; -tns/
1 [U] ~ (to sb/sth) being important; significance or value 重要性; 重大; 有价值
*the importance of industry to the economy 工业对经济的重要性
* They attached very great importance to the project, ie They considered it to be very important. 他们对这项目极为重视.
* a matter of the utmost political importance 有重大政治意义的事情
* These issues now assume even greater importance. 这些问题现在就显得更加重要了.
2 (idm 习语) full of one's own importance => full.


n [singular, U]
the quality of being important
the importance of sth
 the importance of regular exercise
 The fur trade now exceeded timber in importance .
 Hindus attach great importance to food preparation. (=it is very important to them)
great/growing/paramount etc importance
 The men were on a mission of vital importance to their country.
of primary/secondary/equal importance
 Sometimes we forget that the media coverage of a sport is actually of secondary importance to the event itself.
 I agree about the importance of these proposals (=the reasons why they are important) .
 Just being in the studio gave her a sense of importance (=she felt important) .
1. We all know the importance of laying a solid foundation in everything we do, and in language study perhaps more than in anything else, a good beginning is half the battle.

2. This latter point was of great importance.

3. The fact of first-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest.

4. The cultivation of a hobby and new forms of interest is therefore a policy of the first importance to a public man.

5. This is of extreme importance when trying to analyze the direction-taking or decision-making process.

6. The theme that families are changing in similar ways, even in very different cultures, should bring about new thinking on social policy, experts say, and in particular an increase in the importance of families in the agenda of governments.

7. Thoreau had his own self-importance for company.

8. The importance of this trait to success was shown in an experiment begun in the 1960s by Walter Mischel at a preschool on the Stanford University campus.

9. The importance of good people skills was demonstrated by Robert Kelley of Carnegie-Mellon University and Janet Caplan in a study at Bell Labs.

10. He exaggerated the importance of the event.
