

美音:[´ri:´laız ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
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realize为高中词汇   词频:1629


名词:realizer 动词过去式:realized 过去分词:realized 现在分词:realizing 第三人称单数:realizes 形容词:realizable

近义词, 同义词



/'rɪəlaɪz; `rɪə,laɪz/
1 [Tn, Tf, Tw no passive 不用于被动语态] (not used in the continuous tenses 不用于进行时态) be fully aware of or accept (sth) as a fact; understand 认识到或承认(某事物)属实; 了解到
*realize one's mistake 认识到自己的错误
* realize the extent of the damage 了解到破坏的程度
* She realized that he had been lying. 她明白了他一直在说谎.
* I fully realize why you did it. 我完全了解你为什么要做这事.
2 [Tn esp passive 尤用于被动语态] convert (plans, etc) into reality 实现(计画等)
*realize one's hopes, ambitions, etc 实现自己的希望、抱负等
* Her worst fears were realized, ie The things she was most afraid would happen did happen. 她最担心的事情终于发生了.
3 (fml 文)
(a) [Tn] convert (property, shares, etc) into money by selling 变卖(财产、股票等)
*realize one's assets 变卖自己的财产
* Can these bonds berealized at short notice? 这些债券能在短期内兑现吗?
(b)[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (on sth) (of goods, etc) be sold for (a price); (of a person) sell sth for (a price) (指货物等)卖得(某价钱); (指人)将某物卖得(某价钱)
*The furniture realized
900 at the sale. 拍卖这家具获900英镑.
* How much did you realize on those paintings? 那些画你卖了多少钱?


v [T not usually in progressive]
3 somebody's worst fears were realized
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: French;Origin: réaliser, from Old French real; REAL1]
to know and understand something, or suddenly begin to understand it
realize (that)
 I suddenly realized that the boy was crying.
 Do you realize you're an hour late?
realize who/what/how etc
 I'm sorry, I didn't realize who you were.
 It took us a while to realize the extent of the tragedy.
 It was only later that I realized my mistake.
formal to achieve something that you were hoping to achieve
 She never realized her ambition of winning an Olympic gold medal.
 a young singer who has not yet realized her full potential (=achieved as much as she can achieve)
sb's worst fears were realized
used to say that the thing that you were most afraid of has actually happened
 His worst fears were realized when he heard that Chris had been arrested.
a)formal to obtain or earn an amount of money
 The campaign realized $5000.
 We realized a small profit on the sale of the house.
b) realize an asset
technical to change something that you own into money by selling it
WORD CHOICE: realize, recognize
If you realize a fact, you know and understand it, or begin to understand it : Do you realize how dangerous this is? | I realized that the job was going to take longer than I thought.
If you recognize a fact or problem, you accept that it exists : We recognize that many students need extra help. | The government does not recognize the need for more funding.
!! Realize is not followed by 'about' or 'of' : She already had a boyfriend, but I didn't realize this (NOT didn't realize about this).

1. Both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea.

2. But they don´t realize one important thing.

3. Both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea.

4. We didn´t realize the fragility of the happiness.

5. We are determined to realize the mechanization in agriculture.

6. While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling, they do not realize that they are deprived of the necessities of life.

7. With her work taking off in so many directions, it was perhaps inevitable that Engelbreit would eventually realize her dream of illustrating a children's book.

8. They did not seem to realize what the poison of Nazism (纳粹主义) was doing to them.

9. The biggest obstacle for many parents, they say, is to realize their own weaknesses.

10. They often do not realize that bribery in various forms is on the increase in many countries and,
