

美音:[stri:m ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[stri:m ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.溪,川,流,一股,一串,河流 v.流,涌,流注


stream为小学词汇   词频:2516


形容词:streamy 动词过去式:streamed 过去分词:streamed 现在分词:streaming 第三人称单数:streams

近义词, 同义词


brook  creek  flood  flow  gush  pour  rush  surge    


/stri:m; strim/
1 small river or large brook (小)河; (大)溪; 河沟
*a small stream running through the woods 流过树林的小溪.
2 ~ (of sth/sb) flow (of liquid, people, things, etc) (液体、人群、事物等的)流、流动或涌出
*a stream of blood 一股血
* a steady stream of abuse, complaints, etc 一连串的辱骂、抱怨等
* streams of shoppers, traffic 购物者的人流、车辆的川流不息.
3 current or direction of sth flowing or moving (流动或移动的)水流、气流、趋势或趋向
*leaves moving with the stream 顺流飘动的落叶.
4 (esp Brit) (in some schools) class or division of a class into which children of the same age and level of ability are placed (某些学校中同龄儿童按智力水平编成的)能力班或能力小组
*the A, B, C, etc stream A、B、C...级能力小组.
5 (idm 习语) go up/down stream move up/down the river 溯流而上[顺流而下]. go, swim, etc with/against the stream/tide conform/not conform to accepted behaviour, opinions, etc; be/not be carried along by the course of events 顺应潮流[反潮流]; 随[不随]大溜
*Teenagers often go against the stream. 青少年经常反潮流而动. on stream in active operation or production 在实际运转或生产中
*The new plant comes on stream in March. 新工厂将于三月份投产.

1 [I, Ipr] flow or move as a stream (像水流般)流, 流动
*Sweat streamed down his face. 他脸上汗水直流.
* People were streaming out of the station. 人们涌出了车站.
2 (a) [Tn] emit a stream of (sth) 流出(某物)
*The wound streamed blood. 伤口流出了血.
(b) [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) run with liquid 流淌
*a streaming cold, ie with much liquid coming from the nose 伴有流鼻涕的感冒
* His face was streaming with sweat. 他脸上淌着汗.
3 [I, Ipr, Ip] float or wave at full length (esp in the wind) 飘扬, 招展(尤指在风中)
*Her hair streamed(out) in the wind. 她的头发迎风飘动着.
4 [Tn usu passive通常用于被动语态] (esp Brit) place (schoolchildren) in streams (stream4) 将(学童)按年龄和智力编班或分组
*Children are streamed according to ability. 儿童按智力水平分成小组. streamer n
1 long narrow flag 狭长的旗子.
2 long narrow ribbon of coloured paper 狭长的彩色纸带
*a room decorated with balloons and streamers 用气球和纸彩带装饰的房间.
3 = banner headline (banner). streaming n [U] (policy of) placing schoolchildren in streams (stream 4) 按学童智力水平编成班或组(的原则).


In an IBM mainframe, the job stream is the path of execution that a job takes. The JCL and any data submitted with it form the job stream.
1. Bolongo, he explained, meant river or stream in Mandinka, and Kamby-Bolongo could be Gambia River.

2. We quickened our pace and made our way rapidly towards the stream.

3. We tramped through the wood for over two hours until we arrived at a deep stream.

4. We tramped through the wood for over two hours until we arrived at a deep stream.

5. We could see that the path continued on the other side, but we had no idea how we could get across the stream.

6. The stream would its way across the field and then flowed right under their tent!

7. The stream was so deep that we could not ford it.

8. There are many oval stones at the bottom of the stream.

9. The stream was so sluggish that I could hardly tell which way it flowed.
    小河里的水流动缓慢, 我说不出水往哪个方向流。

10. The trickle become a stream; the stream has now become a torrent.
    涓涓细流汇成了小溪, 小溪现在已变成了奔腾的江河.
