

美音:[weı ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[weı ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.路,路线,路途,习惯,行业,规模,道路,情形 adj.中途,途中的 adv.远远地,大大地,非常


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/weɪ; we/
1 [C] (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词)
(a) place for walking, travelling, etc along; path, road, street, etc 路; 道; 街; 径
*a way across the fields 穿过田地的路
* a covered (ie roofed) way 有顶盖的路
* across/over the way, ie across/over the road 穿过这条路
* a `highway 公路
* the `highways and `byways, ie main and minor roads 大路和小路
* a `waterway 水路
* a `railway 铁路.
(b) Way name of certain roads or streets 路或街道的名称
*the Appian Way 阿皮安路.
2 [C usu sing 通常作单数]
(a) ~ (from...) (to...) route, road, etc (to be) taken in order to reach a place 路线
*the best, quickest, right, shortest, etc way from A to B 从A地到B地的最好的、最快的、正确的、最近的...路线
* Which way do you usually go to town? 你进城一般走哪条路线?
* find one's way home 找到回家的路
* tell sb the way 为某人指路
* He asked me the way (ie the best way) to London. 他问我去伦敦走哪条路最好.
* the way down, in, out, up, etc 下去的、进去的、出去的、上去的...路
* (fig 比喻) find a way out of one's difficulty 找出摆脱困境之路
* (fig 比喻) argue, bluff, talk, trick, etc one's way into, out of, etc sth, ie enter, escape, etc by arguing, etc 用争论、吓唬、谈话、哄骗等方法进入或逃出
* (fig 比喻) fight, force, shoot, etc one's way across, into, etc sth, ie cross, enter, etc sth by fighting, etc 用打斗、武力、射击等手段穿过、进入...某处.
(b) route along which sb/sth is moving or would move if there was space 行进的路线或通路
*cut a way through the undergrowth 在下层灌丛中开出一条路来
* We had to pick our way along the muddy track. 我们须在泥泞小道上择路而行.
* There was a lorry blocking the way. 有一辆卡车挡住了路.
* Get out of my way! 别挡着我的路!
(c) (in phrases after which, this, that, etc 用于which、this、that等之後, 构成短语) (in a specified) direction (沿某)方向
*`Which way did he go?' `He went that way.' `他往哪边去了?'`他往那边去了.'
* Look this way, please. 请往这边看.
* Kindly step this way, ladies and gentlemen. 女士们、先生们, 请往这边走.
* Look both ways (ie to right and left) before crossing the road. 过马路前先要向两边看一看.
* They weren't looking our way, ie towards us. 他们没朝我们这边看.
* Make sure that the sign's the right way up. 一定要把符号的上下弄对.
* The arrow is pointing the wrong way. 这个箭头指错了方向.
* If the tree falls that way, it will destroy the house. 这棵树向那边倒下就会把那所房子压坏.
* (fig 比喻) Which way (ie For which party) will you vote? 你投哪边(哪个党)的票?
3 [C]
(a) (usu sing 通常作单数) method, style or manner of doing sth (做某事的)方法, 方式, 手段
*What is the best way to clean this? 用什么办法能把这个弄乾净?
* She showed them the way to do it. 她向他们示范做这件事的方法.
* the best, right, wrong, etc way to do sth 做某事的最好的、正确的、错误的...方法
* I like the way you've done your hair. 我喜欢你头发的样式.
* There are several ways of doing it. 做这件事有好几种方法.
* a new way of storing information 储存信息的新方法
* You can see the way his mind works when you read his books. 看他写的书就能了解他的思想方法.
* She spoke in a kindly way. 她说话态度很和蔼.
(b) (after my, his, her, etc 用于my、his、her等之後) course of action desired or chosen by sb (按照)某人想要的或选择的方式方法
*She'll do it `her way whatever you suggest. 你说出大天来她有她一定之规.
* We all have our favourite ways of doing certain things. 我们做某些事都有自己爱用的办法.
* I still think `my way is better! 我仍然认为我的方法好!
* Try to find your `own way to express the idea. 尽量用你自己的语言来表达这个意见.
(c) chosen, desired or habitual behaviour; custom or manner 独异的、喜爱的或习惯的行为; 习俗; 作风
*He has some rather odd ways. 他有些怪招.
* Don't be offended, it's only his `way, ie manner of behaving that has no special significance. 不要介意, 他就是这么个人.
* It is not her `way to be selfish, ie She is not selfish by nature. 她并不是个自私的人.
* I don't like the way (ie manner in which) he looks at me. 我不喜欢他那种样子看着我.
* It's disgraceful the way he treats his mother.他那样对待他母亲太不像话了.
* a fashionable way of dressing 穿着时髦
* They admired the way she dealt with the crisis. 他们很佩服她处理这场危机的手法.
4 [sing] (esp after long, little, etc 尤用于long、little等之後) distance (to be travelled) between two points 两点间的距离
*It's a long way to London. 从这里到伦敦很远.
* We are a long way from the coast. 我们距离海边很远.
* There is quite a way still to go. 还要走很长的路.
* The roots go a long way down. 这些根扎得很深.
* (fig 比喻) December is a long way off/away, ie in the future, from now. 现在离十二月份还有很长的时间.
* Success is still a long way off. 离成功还远着呢.
* better by a long way, ie much better 好得多了.
5 [sing] (infml 口) area near a place; neighbourhood 附近; 周围
*He lives somewhere `Lincoln way. 他住在林肯市附近.
* The crops are doing well down `our way, ie in our part of the country. 我们这一带的作物长势良好.
* Please visit us next time you're over this way. 你下次到这一带来时请到我们家作客.6 [C] particular aspect of sth; respect (某事物的)某方面
*Can I help you in any way? 我能帮你点儿忙吗?
* She is in no way (ie not at all) to blame. 根本不应该怪她.
* The changes are beneficial in some ways but not in others. 这些变革有的方面有好处, 有的方面没好处.
* She helped us in every possible way. 她帮助我们无微不至.
7 (idm 习语) ,all the `way the whole distance 一路上. `be/be `born/be `made that way (infml 口) (of a person) be as one is because of innate characteristics (指人)性格天生如此
*I'm afraid that's just the way he `is. 没法子, 他天生就是这么一种人. be ,set in one's `ways be inflexible in one's habits, attitudes, etc (习惯、态度等)固定而不变通. both `ways/each `way (of money bet on a horse, race, etc) so that one will win money back if the horse, etc either wins or gains second or third place (指赛马等下的赌注)该马等获第一名或二三名均可赢钱
*have £5 each way on the favourite 在大热门上投注5英镑压它赢前三名
* back the favourite both ways 压大热门赢前三名. by the `way
(a) by the roadside during a journey 在途中的路边上
*stopped for a picnic by the way 在途中停在路边野餐.
(b) (used to introduce a comment or question that is only indirectly related, if at all, to the main subject of conversation 在主要话题或交谈中用以插入题外的话或问题)
*Oh, by the way, there is a telephone message for you. 噢, 对了, 有你一个电话口信.
* What did you say your name was, by the way? 顺便问一句, 您说您的名字叫什么来着? by way of
(a) (fml 文) by a route that includes (the place mentioned); via 路经(某处); 途经
*They are travelling to France by way of London. 他们经伦敦去法国.
(b) as a type of (sth) or serving as (sth) 作为; 当作
*Let's eat out tonight, by way of a change. 咱们今天晚上到外面去吃饭吧, 换换口味.
* What are you thinking of doing by way of a holiday this year? 今年的假期你打算怎么过?
* By way of an introduction, I shall explain some of the historical background. 作为开场白, 我来解释一下历史背景.
(c) with the intention of or for the purpose of (doing sth) 意在或为了(做某事)
*make enquiries by way of learning the facts of the case 为了解实情作调查. change one's ways => change. come one's `way occur or present itself to one 发生于或来到某人处
*An opportunity like that doesn't often come my way. 这样的机会可不常落在我头上. cut both/two `ways (of an action, argument, etc) have an effect both for and against sth (指行动、论点等)有利也有弊. divide, split, etc, sth two, three, etc `ways share sth among two, three, etc people 在两个、三个...人之间分配. each way => both ways. the error of one's/sb's ways => error. feel one's way => feel1. find one's way; find its way to... => find1. get into/out of the way of (doing) sth acquire/lose the habit of doing sth 培养[失去]做某事的习惯. get/have one's own `way get or do what one wants, often in spite of opposition 为所欲为(常指不顾反对意见)
*She always gets her own way in the end. 到头来总是她想怎样就怎样. give `way break or collapse 断裂; 倒塌
*The bridge gave way under the weight of the lorry. 卡车过重把这座桥压坏了.
* Her legs suddenly gave way and she fell to the floor. 她两腿突然支持不住摔倒在地板上了. give way (to sb/sth)
(a) allow sb/sth to be first; yield 让某人[某事物]在先; 让出; 放弃
*Give way to traffic coming from the right. 让右方驶来的车辆先行.
(b) let oneself be overcome (by sth) 被(某事物)制服
*give way to despair 陷于绝望.
(c) make concessions (to sb/sth) (向某人[某事物])让步, 妥协
*We must not give way to their demands. 我们决不能对他们的要求让步. give way to sth be replaced by sth 被某事物代替
*The storm gave way to bright sunshine. 暴风雨过後出现了灿烂的阳光. go far/a long way => far2. go far/a long way to do sth/towards sth => far2. go out of one's `way (to do sth) take particular care and trouble to do sth 特意不怕麻烦做某事
*The shop assistant went out of his way to find what we needed. 那个店员不厌其烦地满足我们的需要. go one's own `way act independently or as one chooses, esp against the advice of others 独立地或按自己的意愿行事(尤指不听人劝)
*Whatever you suggest, she will always go her own way. 无论怎样劝说, 她也总是我行我素. go one's way (dated 旧) depart离开; 出发. go sb's way
(a) travel in the same direction as sb 与某人同路
*I'm going your way so I can give you a lift. 我和你同路, 可以顺便开车送你.
(b) (of events, etc) be favourable to sb (指事情等)对某人有利
*Things certainly seem to be going our way. 看来事情确实对我们有利. go the way of all `flesh (saying 谚) (live and) die as other people do; suffer the same changes, dangers, etc as other people 像别人一样(生与)死; 和他人一样经受变革、危险等. the hard way => hard1. have come a long way => long1. have/want it/things `both ways => both1. have it/things/everything one's `own way have what one wants, esp by imposing one's will on others 为所欲为(尤指把自己的意愿强加于人)
*All right, have it your own way I'm tired of arguing. 好了, 随你的便吧--我懒得和你争了. have a `way with one have the power to attract or persuade others 有吸引人或说服人的能力. have a way with sb/sth have a particular talent for dealing with sb/sth 专门善于同某人[某事物]打交道
*have a way with difficult children 专门能对付不听话的孩子
* have a way with motor bikes 很会修理摩托车. in a bad `way
(a) very ill or in serious trouble 病得很重; 情形很糟.
(b) (infml 口) obviously drunk 烂醉如泥. in a `big/`small way on a large/small scale 大[小]规模
*He's got himself into trouble in a big way. 他可惹了大麻烦了.
* She collects antiques in a small way. 她收集少许古玩. in a fair way to do sth => fair1. in the family way => family. ,in more ways than `one (used to draw attention to the fact that the statement made has more than one meaning用以指出所说的事实尚有其他含义)
*He's a big man in more ways than one. 他是个了不起的人--在很多方面. in a `way; in `one way; in `some ways to a certain extent but not entirely 在某种程度上
*The changes are an improvement in one way. 这些变从某种意义上说是一种进步. in the ordinary way => ordinary. in one's own sweet way => sweet1. in the `way causing inconvenience or an obstruction 造成不便或阻碍
*I'm afraid your car is in the way. 看来你的汽车挡着道了.
* I left them alone, as I felt I was in the way. 我躲开了他们, 因为我觉得我碍他们的事. know one's way around => know. lead the way => lead3. look the other `way avoid seeing sb/sth, deliberately or by chance (避而)不看某人[某物]
*The usherette looked the other way so that the children could get into the cinema without paying. 那个女检票员扭过脸去好让那些孩子不买票就进电影院里. lose one's way => lose. make one's way (to/towards sth) go 走; 行走; 前进
*I'll make my way home now. 我现在要回家了.
* make one's way (ie succeed) in life 在生活中有所成就. make `way (for sb/sth) allow (sb/sth) to pass 让(某人[某事物])通过; 给(某人[某事物])让路. mend one's ways => mend. not know where/which way to look => know. (there are) no two ways a`bout it (saying 谚) there is only one correct or suitable way to act, speak or think with regard to sth 对于某事物只有一种正确的或合适的方法来做、说或思考; 别无他途. ,no `way (infml 口) under no circumstances or by no means (will sth happen/ be done) 决不
*Give up our tea break? No way! 让我们放弃工间休息时间? 没门儿!
* No way will I go on working for that man. 我不再给那个人工作了. ,one way and a`nother considering various aspects of the matter together 考虑到各个方面
*She's been very successful, one way and another. 无论从哪方面看, 她都是很有成就的. ,one way or a`nother by some means, methods, etc 用某种方式、方法等
*We must finish the job this week one way or another. 我们无论如何必须在本周做完这项工作. on one's/the `way in the process of going or coming 在来或去的行进中; 在路上
*I had better be on my way (ie leave) soon. 我最好早点走.
* I'll buy some bread on the/my way home. 我要在回家的路上买些面包. on the `way (infml 口) (of a baby) conceived but not yet born (指婴儿)已成胎但尚未出生
*She has two children with another one on the way. 她有两个孩子, 现在还怀着一个. on the way `out
(a) in the process of leaving 正在离开
*I bumped into him on the way out. 我正出门的时候碰上他了.
(b) (fig 比喻) going out of fashion or favour; becoming obsolete 即将不流行或不受喜爱; 渐渐过时或淘汰. the ,other way `round(a) reversed or inverted 颠倒; 相反; 反过来.
(b) the opposite of what is expected or supposed 与料想的或以为的相反
*I was accused of stealing money from her but in fact it was the other way round. 说我偷了她的钱, 其实正相反是她偷了我的钱. out of harm's way => harm n. ,out of the `way
(a) far from a town or city; remote 远离城镇; 偏远
*[attrib 作定语] a tiny ,out-of-the-way `village in Cornwall 康沃尔郡的一个偏僻的小村庄.(b) exceptional; uncommon 异常的; 罕见的; 不普通的
*He has done nothing out of the way yet. 他倒还没干出离谱的事. a/the parting of the ways => parting. pave the way for sth => pave. pay one's/its way => pay2. point the way => point2. put sb in the way of (doing) sth make it possible for sb to do sth or give sb an opportunity to do sth 使某人有可能做某事; 给某人做某事的机会. rub sb up the wrong way => rub1. see one's way (clear) to doing sth find that it is possible or convenient to do sth 觉得可能或便于做某事
*I can't see my way clear to finishing the work this year. 我看我今年做不完这项工作.
* Could you see your way to lending me
10 for a couple of days? 你能不能借给我10英镑过两天还你? see which way the wind is blowing see what is likely to happen 观察将要发生什么事情. show the way => show2. (not) stand in sb's `way (not) prevent sb from doing sth (不)阻止某人做某事
*If you want to study medicine, we won't stand in your way. 你要是想学医我们决不拦你. take the easy way out => easy1. ,that's the ,way the ,cookie `crumbles (infml 口 esp US) that is the state of things and nothing can be done about it 事情就是这样, 没有别的办法. to `my way of thinking in my opinion 我认为; 依我看. under `way having started and making progress 已经开始并进行着
*The project is now well under way. 这一项目现正顺利进行.
* be/get under way, ie (esp of a ship) move/start to move through the water (尤指船)在航行中[启航]. wait for the cat to jump/to see which way the cat jumps => wait1. a/sb's way of `life normal pattern of social or working life of a person or group (某人的或某些人的)生活方式
*She adapted easily to the French way of life. 她很容易就适应了法国人的生活方式. the ,way of the `world what many people do, how they behave, etc 大家都(这样)做的事. ,ways and `means methods and resources for doing sth, esp providing money (做某事的)方法和资源; (尤指)财源. where there's a will, there's a way => will4. ,work one's `way (through college, etc) have a paid job while one is a student 边挣钱边求学; 半工半读
*She had to work her way through law school. 她须半工半读学习法律. work one's way through sth read or do sth from beginning to end 从头到尾阅读或做某事
*The board are still working their way through the application forms. 委员会仍在审阅全部申请表. ,work one's way `up be promoted from a low grade to a high one 获提升; 晋级
*He has worked his way up from junior clerk to managing director. 他已从初级职员升到总经理.

/weɪ; we/
adv (infml 口)
1 (used with a prep or an adv and usu not negatively 与介词或副词连用, 通常不用于否定句) very far 很远
*She finished the race way ahead of the other runners. 她第一个跑到终点, 远远领先于其他选手.
* The shot was way off target. 这次射得远离目标.
* The price is way above what we can afford.价格高得我们绝对付不起.
* The initial estimate was way out, ie very inaccurate. 最初的估计差得很远.
2 (idm 习语) `way back a long time ago 很久以前
*I first met him way back in the `fifties. 我和他初次见面是早在一九五几年的事.


, often called Shintetsu (神鉄), is a Japanese private railway company in Kobe and surrounding cities.