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accommodate为六级词汇   词频:3418


形容词:accommodative 动词过去式:accommodated 过去分词:accommodated 现在分词:accommodating 第三人称单数:accommodates 名词:accommoda-tiveness


-ate 最常作动词字尾,其名词是-ation

近义词, 同义词


conform  oblige  supply    


/ə'kɒmədeɪt; ə`kɑmə,det/
1 [Tn] provide lodging or room for (sb) 供给(某人)住宿或房间
*This hotel can accommodate up to
500 guests. 这旅馆可供达500位来宾住宿.
2 [Tn.pr] ~ sth to sth change or adjust sth so that it fits or harmonizes with sth else 适应; 迁就; 迎合
*I will accommodate my plans to yours. 我修改一下计划以便和你的计划相适应.
3 (fml 文)
(a) [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (with sth) grant or supply (sth) to sb 准予或提供某人(某事物)
*The bank will accommodate you with a loan. 银行将贷给你一笔款.
(b) [Tn] do (sb) a favour; oblige 帮(某人的)忙; 施恩惠于
*I shall endeavour to accommodate you whenever possible. 只要有可¯能, 我将尽力帮你.
4 [Tn] (fml 文) cater for (sth/sb); take into consideration 顺应(某事物[某人]); 考虑到
*accommodate the special needs of minority groups 照顾少数团体的特殊需要.


[Date: 1500-1600; Language: Latin;Origin: , past participle of accommodare, from ad- 'to' + commodare 'to make fit', from commodus 'suitable']
if a room, building etc can accommodate a particular number of people or things, it has enough space for them
 He bought a huge house to accommodate his library.
 The ballroom can accommodate 400 people.
to provide someone with a place to stay, live, or work
 The island was used to accommodate child refugees.
to accept someone's opinions and try to do what they want, especially when their opinions or needs are different from yours
 We've made every effort to accommodate your point of view.
to get used to a new situation or to make yourself do this
accommodate to
 Her eyes took a while to accommodate to the darkness.
1. I will accommodate my plans to yours.
