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multiply为高中词汇   词频:5036


动词过去式:multiplied 过去分词:multiplied 现在分词:multiplying 第三人称单数:multiplies


ply,pli,ple=to fold(表"倍;重"之义)

近义词, 同义词


advance  gain  grow  increase  procreate  rise  divide    


/'mʌltɪplaɪ; ,mʌltə`plaɪ/
v (pt, pp -lied)
1 [I, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ A by B/~ A and B (together) add a number to itself a particular number of times 乘
*children learning to multiply and divide 学习乘法和除法的儿童 *
2 and
3 multiply to make 6, ie
2 x
3 =
2 +
2 +
2 = 6. 2和3相乘得6. *
2 multiplied by
4 makes 8, ie
2 x
4 = 8. 2乘以4得8.
* One can make
12 by multiplying
2 and
6 (together) or
4 and
3 (together), ie
12 =
2 x
6 or
4 x 3. 以2、6或4、3相乘可得12.
2 [I, Tn] increase (sth) in number or quantity 增多, 增加(某事物)
*Our problems have multiplied since last year. 自去年以来我们的问题增多了.
* Buy lots of raffle tickets and multiply your chances of success. 多买彩票, 增加你中奖的机会.
3 [I, Tn] (biology 生) (cause sb/sth to) produce large numbers of offspring by procreation, fertilization, etc (使某人[某物])繁殖, 增殖
*Rabbits multiply rapidly. 兔子繁殖得很快.
* It is possible to multiply bacteria and other living organisms in the laboratory. 在实验室能够繁殖细菌和其他生物.


v past tense and past participlemultipliedpresent participlemultiplyingthird person singularmultiplies
[Date: 1100-1200; Language: Old French;Origin: multiplier, from Latin multiplicare, from multiplex; MULTIPLEX]
[I and T]
to do a calculation in which you add a number to itself a particular number of times
 Children will learn to multiply in the second grade.
multiply sth by sth
 Multiply the total by 12.
[I and T]
to increase by a large amount or number, or to make something do this
 The amount of information available has multiplied.
 Smoking multiplies the risk of heart attacks and other health problems.
to breed
 Bacteria multiply quickly in warm food.
1. Errors and uncertainties multiply, cascading upward through a chain of turbulent features, from dust devils and squalls up to continent-size eddies that only satellites can see.

2. The issue of where it will be held can greatly multiply the amount of time required to reach a settlement."

3. And if the dance is a good physical exercise as well, the benefits multiply.

4. If normal cells can be stimulated to divide, then abnormal ones could also be prompted to multiply, so causing or accelerating skin cancer.
