

美音:[maıt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[maıt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.(past tense,past participle of may see may) n.力量,威力,权力,能,可能 aux.可以


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/maɪt; maɪt/
modal v (neg 否定式 might not, contracted form 缩约式 mightn't/ 5maItnt; `maItnt/)
1 (indicating permission 用以表示许可)
*Might I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议吗?
* If I might just put in a word here... 容我在此略置一词.... =>Usage
1 at may1 见may1所附用法第1项.
2 (indicating possibility 表示可能)
*He `might get here in time, but I can't be sure. 他可能及时来到这里, 不过我不能肯定.
* This ointment might help to clear up your rash. 这种药膏也许能消除你的皮疹.
* The pills might have cured him, if only he'd taken them regularly. 他要是按时服用这些药丸, 本来是可能治得好的. =>Usage
2 at may1 见may1所附用法第2项.
3 (asking for information 用于问讯情况)
*And who might `she be? 那么她能是哪一位呢?
* How long might `that take? 那要多长时间? =>Usage
4 at may1 见may1所附用法第4项.
4 (used to make polite requests or appeals 用于婉转的请求或吁请)
*You might just (ie Please) call in at the supermarket for me. 请顺便为我去一趟超级市场吧.
* I think you might at least offer to help! 我认为你至少可以主动帮帮忙吧! =>Usage at would 用法见would.

pt of may1.

/maɪt; maɪt/
n [U]
1 great strength or power 力气; 力量; 威力; 权力
*I pushed the rock with all my might. 我用全力推那块大石.
* We fear the military might of the enemy. 我们惧怕敌人强大的军事力量.
2 (idm 习语) ,might is `right (saying 谚) having the power to do sth gives one the right to do it 强权就是公理. with ,might and `main (rhet 修辞) with all one's physical strength 竭尽全力.