

美音:[´məuʃən ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´məuʃən ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.运动,动作 v.运动


motion为短语/超纲词汇   词频:1788


动词过去式:motioned 过去分词:motioned 现在分词:motioning 第三人称单数:motions


mov,mob,mot=to move(移动)

近义词, 同义词

motion  movement  move  going  unrest  flow  flux  run  course  evolution  telekinesis  step  rate  pace  tread  stride  gait  progress  locomotion  journey  trip  voyagebe in motion  move  go  budge  stir  pass  flit  hover  shift      



/'məʊʃn; `moʃən/
1 [U] (manner of) moving 运动; 移动; 动态
*the swaying motion of the ship 船的左右摇摆
* The object is no longer in motion, ie has stopped moving. 该物体已不处于运动状态.
2 [C] particular movement; way of moving part of the body; gesture 动作; 身体某部分的运动方式; 姿态
*with a sudden, single, upward, downward, etc motion of the hand 手的突然的、单一的、向上的、向下的...一动.
3 [C] formal proposal to be discussed and voted on at a meeting 动议; 提议
*propose, put forward, reject, etc a motion 提、提出、否决...一动议
* The motion was adopted/carried by a majority of six votes. 该动议以六票的多数获采纳[通过].
4 [C] (fml 文)
(a) act of emptying the bowels 大便
*regular motions 按时大便.
(b) waste matter emptied from the bowels; faeces 粪便
*solid motions 成形粪便.
5 (idm 习语) go through the motions (of doing sth) (infml 口) pretend to do sth; do sth but without sincerity or serious intention 装出做某事物的样子; 敷衍
*He went through the motions of welcoming her friends but then quickly left the room. 他虚应故事欢迎一下她的朋友, 转眼就离开了房间. put/set sth in `motion cause sth to start moving or operating 使某物开始运动或运转
*set machinery in motion 开动机器
* (fig 比喻) put the new campaign in motion 开展新的运动. Cf 参看 slow motion (slow1).

1 [Ipr, Dn.t no passive 不用于被动语态, Dpr.t] ~ to sb indicate to sb by a gesture 以姿势向某人示意
*He motioned to the waiter. 他向侍者示意.
* He motioned (to) me to sit down. 他示意我坐下.
2 [Tn.pr, Tn.p] direct (sb) in the specified direction by a gesture 用姿势给(某人)指示方向
*motion sb to a chair, away, in, etc 示意某人就座、离开、进入等.
1. We felt little sense of speed or motion.

2. The motion to amend the club´s constitution was defeated by 20 votes to 15.

3. The eternal motion of stars fascinated him.

4. The gentle rolling motion of the ship made me feel sleepy.

5. The steam-engine piston makes a cyclic motion.

6. Asked how he succeeded, the student explained he had just come from a physics class on pendulum motion. What he had learned in one context transferred to a completely different one.

7. Of course, the books and periodicals that are warning society about the removal of jobs, "the end of work", and wage decreases only serve to increase public anxiety — a slow-motion variation of shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theate
    当然, 那些因工作岗位的消失、"工作完蛋了"和工资减少而对社会发出警告的书籍和期刊杂志只不过是起到了增加公众焦虑的作用--只是在挤满了观众的戏院里有人大叫"着火啦"的那种景象的慢镜头的变种而已。

8. One college student tied the pliers to one string and set it in motion like a pendulum.

9. In vain they rush frantically round from place to place, trying to escape from avenging boredom by mere clatter and motion.
