

美音:[dræft ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[dræft ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
n.草稿,草案,草图 vt.起草,为...打样,设计 v.草拟


draft为短语/超纲词汇   词频:4387


动词过去式:drafted 过去分词:drafted 现在分词:drafting 第三人称单数:drafts

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/drɑ:ft; [US] dræft; dræft/
1 [C] rough preliminary written version of sth 草稿; 草案
*This is only the draft of my speech, but what do you think of it? 这仅仅是我演讲的草稿, 你认为怎样?
* [attrib 作定语] a draft amendment, copy, version 修正草案、草稿、初稿.
2 (finance 财)
(a) [C] written order to a bank to pay money to sb 汇票
*a draft on an American bank 向一家美国银行提款的汇票.
(b) [U] payment of money by means of such an order 汇票的支付.
3 [CGp] group of people chosen from a larger group for a special purpose 特遣队; 特别小组
*We're sending a fresh draft of nurses to the worst hit area. 我们新派遣一组护理人员开赴受灾最重的地区.
4 the draft [sing] (US) = call-up(call2).
5 [C] (US) = draught.

/drɑ:ft; [US] dræft; dræft/ v
1 [Tn] make a preliminary version of (a document) 草拟, 起草(文件)
*draft a contract, parliamentary bill, treaty, etc 起草一份合同、议会法案、条约等
* I'm still drafting the first chapter. 我还在草拟第一章.
* a badly drafted will 草拟不当的遗嘱.
2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] choose (people) and send them somewhere for a special task 选派; 抽调
*Extra police are being drafted in to control the crowds. 现正额外抽调警察去控制人群.
3 [Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb (into sth) (US) conscript sb 徵募; 徵召
*be drafted into the Army, Navy, etc 被徵召加入陆军、海军等.
1. This is only the draft of my speech, but what do you think of it?
    这仅仅是我演讲的草稿, 你认为怎样?

2. A young English writer made the pertinent observation a year or two back that the talent goes into the first draft, and the art into the drafts that follow.

3. In the wake of Wilmut's announcement, governments hurried to draft guidelines for the unknown, a future filled with incredible possibilities.
