

美音:[´ɔpə´reıt ]点这儿播放单词美音发声
英音:[´ɔpə´reıt ]点这儿播放单词英音发声
v.操作,运转,开动,起作用,动手术,开刀 n.[军]作军事行动


operate为中学词汇   词频:967


动词过去式:operated 过去分词:operated 现在分词:operating 第三人称单数:operates


oper=to work,work(工作)

近义词, 同义词


act  carry-on  conduct  function  handle  manage  perform  run  work    


/'ɒpəreɪt; `ɑpə,ret/
1 (a) [I] (fml 文) work; be in action 工作; 运转
*This machine operates night and day. 这台机器日夜运转.
* The lift was not operating properly. 电梯有些失灵了.
(b) [Tn] cause (a machine, etc) to work; control 开动(机器等); 操纵; 操作
*operate machinery 操纵机器
* He operates the lift. 他是开电梯的.
* The kettle is operated by electricity. 这水壶是电热的.
2 [I, Ipr, It] have or produce an effect; be in action 有效; 起作用; 发生影响
*The system operates in five countries. 有五个国家实施这种体制.
* The new law operates to our advantage. 新法规对我们有利.
* Several causes operated to bring about the war. 那场战争的起因有几个.
3 [Ipr, Tn] ~ (from sth) do business; manageor direct (sth) 经营; 管理或掌管(某事物)
*The company operates from offices in London. 那公司由设在伦敦的办事处管理.
* They operate three factories and a huge warehouse. 他们管着三家工厂和一个大仓库.
4 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sb) (for sth) perform a surgical operation 动手术
*The doctors decided to operate (on her) immediately. 医生决定马上(给她)动手术.
5 [I, Ipr] (of soldiers, the police, etc) carry out raids, patrols, etc (指士兵、警方等)出击、巡逻等
*bombers operating from bases in the North 从北方各空军基地起飞的轰炸机
* Police speed traps are operating on this motorway. 这条高速公路上有超速监测器.


7 operate as something
[Date: 1600-1700; Language: Latin;Origin: , past participle of operari 'to work', from opus; OPUS]
a) [T]
to use and control a machine or equipment
 The Lewis family operated a number of boats on the canal.
 Clive was experienced in operating the computers.
b) [I always + adverb/preposition]
if a machine operates in a particular way, it works in that way
operate in/at
 Check that the equipment is operating in a safe manner.
 The bus is designed to operate in all weather conditions.
 Most freezers operate at below -18°C.
a) [I]
if a business or organization operates in a particular place or way, it works in that place or way
operate in/within/from
 a design company operating from offices in Seattle.
 A playgroup operates on the campus.
 They were trying to reduce operating costs .
b) [T]
to control a business or organization
 Nuns are operating an emergency hospital.
if a system, process, or service operates, or if you operate it, it works
 The whole tax system is now operating more efficiently.
 The new law doesn't operate in our favour.
 The car parks operate a pay-as-you-leave system.
 The bus company operates a Monday to Saturday service.
to cut into someone's body in order to repair or remove a part that is damaged
 Doctors had to operate to remove the bullet.
operate on
 the surgeon who operated on Taylor's knee
【WORK】 [I]
to do your job or try to achieve things in a particular way
 Most people just can't operate in noisy, crowded conditions.
 Older children often like to operate independently.
if soldiers or police officers are operating in an area, they are working in that area
operate in
 Security patrols now operate in some of the most dangerous parts of the city.
 enemy submarines operating in the Mediterranean
operate as sth
to have a particular purpose
 The foam operates as a very effective filter.
 The car's service manual is designed to operate as a guide for owners.
to have an effect on something
 the laws of evolution operating on each species
HINT sense 4
A surgeon does not 'operate' a part of a person's body. He or she operates on it: They need to operate on her stomach (NOT operate her stomach).

1. We were all dismayed at his refusal to co-operate.

2. When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, or vacuum cleaners fail to operate,

3. The only way to do this was to operate.

4. Today´s cities operate largely on a single plane — the ground.

5. To reach more people in the community, some AIDS educational programs operate out of a beauty shop.

6. To further reduce the waiting list for phones, Hungary has leased rights to a Dutch -Scandinavian group of companies to build and operate what it says will be one of the most advanced digital mobile phone systems in the world.

7. Do you know how to operate computers?

8. "It's hard to operate a business on someone else's disaster," Johnson says.

9. Computers need detailed instructions from human beings in order to be able to operate.

10. It seems that the brains of boys with mathematical talent operate in a way that is physically unique.
